Rajneeshpuram - Utopia and Orwellian nightmare.
http://group.yahoo.com/group/fuoco_sacro -- Somewhere in the World 09/28/2003
by Piero Mancuso
In writing this paper I have imposed limits.This, already from the very outset, puts me in a collision course with the main character of the story I am about to tell. Rajneesh was not one to accept the limits of any kind they were, and his work, in one sense, is an open attempt to demolish what we know as civilization, culture, tradition. Our Republican Constitution recognizes the family as the building block of society and this recognition before the matter of tradition, culture, religion is a fact related to the development and preservation of the species. 's family, then the tribe, then the city and the nation Finally nations constitute a complex network of social relations, not always respectful of law or equity, which effectively amplifies the chance of survival of the community and therefore the individual that is part of it, even himself what can be done at the expense of other human beings, other households, other cities, other countries. Rajneesh has realized that the family was the basic unit, basic social order and he preached the destruction, because, destroying the family destroyed the rest. The old must be destroyed to make way for new, Rajneesh said <
Rajneesh not only preaches the destruction, but it gives the instructions to build the new, small communities, large enough to get to know everyone, which incubate a kind of man who sums up the spiritual awakening and scientific discovery, Zorba the Buddha, his solution impossible to square the circle, the sensual enjoyment that goes with spiritual realization. This new man, Zorba the Buddha, is set in an apocalyptic vision. He says: << The period of crisis will be between 1984 and 1999. During this time there will be all kinds of destruction on earth including natural disasters and efforts suicidal self-prepared by man. In other words, there will be a flood that has never been seen since the days of Noah, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and everything else that is possible in nature ... There will be wars which are bound to end up with nuclear explosions, so the usual ark Noah can not save humanity.
The rajeenismo is to create a Noah's Ark of consciousness, remaining centered exactly in the middle of the storm ... Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Bombay etc.. - All these cities will disappear and the Holocaust will be confined in some places. Will be global so no escape is possible. You can escape only in the inner and this is what I teach [2] >>. Fortunately for us Rajneesh was a bad psychic. I imposed a limit that is not to be considered, as I would wish to do, Rajneesh simply as a coin. I have endeavored to comply with the sadness and pain of many of his disciples who are playing all out swarmed all over the world first in Pune and then in Oregon, as young moths, irresistibly attracted by its light and heat, and have found Despite Rajneesh, a spiritual teaching, a path. James Gordon tells the bitterness of Anna Forbes [3] But Ananda Nandam, reminiscent of how to adapt to the precepts of Rajneesh, he underwent an operation for sterilization.
Rajneesh preached that to solve the problem of overpopulation of procreation to be avoided for at least 20 years and recommended to his disciples sterilization. Anna, for the sake of what he later called a <>, Irreversibly injured her femininity, orbandosi, forever, the generative capacity. Anna Forbes was a bright and charming woman, a peace activist, a historian and a feminist. She taught women's history and was deputy prime minister at his university.Teaching English in Mexico when he heard of Rajeenesh and immediately flew to Pune. Passed the infatuation he realized that beneath the façade of libertarianism verbal concealed a surprising form of authoritarianism and control.
The horror he felt when he learned that Rajneesh had punched and kicked his girlfriend, Ma Yoga Vivek, was soon, as she had been in years, maybe more virulent feminist movement for women's rights, accepted and passed. In Oregon worked as ammistrativa to Sheela, the powerful secretary of Rajneesh, and with sadness and bitterness growing lived with the procurement system of money needed at the ranch, surveillance and censorship of communications, the arrogance with which they attacked the inhabitants Oregon, with the methods that were put in place to perpetuate and enlarge the common. At the end dare to criticize, towards the end of 1985, Rajneesh and Sheela, is set aside, is gone from the ranch disillusioned and disoriented. Said: << We say rebels of being spiritual, they are seeking our own truth, and when we do we are punished >> [4]. Anna says that Rajneesh had a <>, A gift, a few transcendent experience, but adds, with more sadness than with anger, he lacked the spiritual power of Jesus or of the other great inspiration and had become a "fake guru". Anna's opinion is somewhat that of Calder. Out of respect for all those people, with great ideals and a heart certainly sincere, they have paid on their skin, in the case of Anna right into your array feminine their thirst for freedom, love, harmony, I imposed to go against what my inner desire, that my thoughts do not deny the authenticity of their feeling, do not deny the Truth that dwells in their hearts. Piero
In the town of Antelope in Wasco County, Oregon residents have placed a commemorative plaque on which is written: << Dedicated to those of this community during the invasion and occupation of Rajneesh of 1981-1985 remained, resisted and remembered ...... "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" (Edmunde Burke) >> [5]. This plaque is a sign of a serious conflict between the population, the authorities of Oregon and a council which, for the five years mentioned by the commemorative plaque, settled in a place between the Ranch and the Wasco County of Jefferson.
Nell'apice the war, the city was surrounded by troops of the National Guard and several helicopters were deployed in a state of high alert so that, as needed, the authorities could reach it quickly. The federal and local authorities drew up plans for coordinated military intervention to break into the City of Orange. According to the Leader of the City, which at that time was known as Rajneesh, a terrible bloodbath was touched. Rajneeshpuram, so called, is a story that raises questions because the City had all the opportunity and the means to be rooted in the territory and remain there, however, after only five years, in the twinkling of an eye, collapsed.
The Commune was led by a world-renowned spiritual leader and a huge following was given a great wealth, many of its members had been educated in the best institutions of culture, many members were qualified professionals including a bevy of highly experienced lawyers. The leader of the Orange Rajneesh said that was spent in the five years of the experiment, about two hundred million dollars. This figure is probably an estimate based only on the consumption of monetary financing, some say that the common consumed a million dollars a month, but does not include the free labor that thousands and thousands of followers of Rajneesh, like worker ants, have voluntarily provided building up what they called an oasis in the desert. An oasis that was almost become a city with its own fire station, a police station with 60 agents, airport, water reservoirs, artificial lakes with exotic names, a small but well-equipped hospital, shops, a huge conference room, a nightclub, administrative offices, shopping malls, a huge farm with hundreds of animals, cultivated fields, restaurants, a hotel, pizzerias, bakeries, cafes, bars and residential areas with air conditioning. The goal was to become independent in all respects from the outside.
To build a new way of life, a way of life free, peaceful, happy. Rajneeshpuram but wanted to be something more. He wanted to be a place where re-establish a connection, a bridge between God and man. [6] At the end of the experiment in Oregon twenty-five samnyasin were accused of association in order to make eavesdropping illegal, thirteen association to violate immigration laws, eight false statements to government officials, three for having given shelter to a fugitive , three for criminal conspiracy, one for theft, one for organized crime (RICO) [7], one for arson in the first degree, two for second-degree assault, three for assault in the first degree and three for attempted murder. A complex series of plea bargaining between the prosecution and the various defendants were put in place and for some of them the legal consequences of their actions dragged on until a few years ago. The disceopoli Rajneesh who were prosecuted for crimes committed in Oregon were all prominent leaders of the movement and Rajneeshpuram. Sheela Silverman, the powerful secretary of the leader of the orange, president of Rajneesh Foundation International, the Corporation managing the immense economic result of a careful and successful commercial management of the deal Rajneesh, was fined $ 400,000 and ordered to give back 69,353.
She was sentenced to a contest of crimes, to 20 years in prison for the attempted murder of Swami Devaraj, Rajneesh's personal physician, 20 years for assault of First Instance in poisoning of Commissioner William Hulse, 10 years for second-degree assault the poisoning of Commissioner Raymond Matthew, 4 years for having, during the preparatory efforts of conspiracy to contaminate ground water system of the city of The Dallas, infected by salmonella, 750 people in the same city, 4 and 5 for illegal wiretaps years of probation for immigration fraud. He made only two years in a federal prison in Pleasanton medium-security for good behavior and was released in December 1988. The federal authorities not notified the release investigative bodies Oregon, that were investigating the attempted murder of attorney Charles Turner of the state, and before spiccassero an arrest warrant against him, she managed to find refuge elsewhere. Another protagonist Ma Anand Puja received 15 years for the attempted murder of Devaraj, 15 for lavvelenamento of Hulse, 7 for avvelemamento of Matthew, 4 for making the cultures of the bacterium in the laboratories of Rajneeshpuram who served with poisoning Salmonella citizens of The Dallas, an activity that earned him a nickname Nazi style "Nurse (Nurse) Mengele [8]," and three years probation for association to wiretaps. Puja also had only two years in prison in federal prison in Pleasanton, and was released in December 1988.
Rajneesh was indicted on charges of conspiracy (RICO) and 34 other charges for making false statements to federal officials NSI (Immigrations and Naturalization Service). He according to the agreement with the advocacy of the state of Oregon usufruì an Alford Plea [9] and pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud in connection with immigration laws and agreed to pay $ 400,000 to fine. He was inflicted 10 years, the sentence was suspended and he was ordered to leave the soil of the United States and not return for at least 5 years. The Rajneesh Corporation agreed to drop all direct appeals to challenge the action by which the advocacy of the state of Oregon had objected to Rajneeshpuram was declared a city, as it considered unconstitutional, in Rajneeshpuram, religion and civil government were not separated and that had the effect of suspending that recognition, to abandon all claims on money and jewelry seized in North Carolina plane that Rajneesh was attempting to evade arrest, to pay $ 400,000 to the state of ' Oregon in compensation for the costs of investigation and $ 500,000 for moderation by the claims of the restaurants that had been contaminated with salmonella and who had suffered great economic losses, an additional $ 400,000 to the association of restaurant owners, $ 5,000,000 to fund the victims of the state of Oregon and sell the ranch. In return, the attorney general of the state of Oregon Dave Frohnmeyer agreed to drop all charges against the RICO Rajneesh Corporation [10]. "
As can be seen Rajneesh and its Corporation have undergone a real debacle of the case. The scandal that these events provoked in 1985 was a planetary scale. The story of Rajneeshpuram went into every house in the media as well as in newspapers and on Tg were aired documentaries where the story was painted in dark colors. Rajneesh, once expelled from the United States, tried to take refuge in various countries including Italy but everyone treated him like a pariah undesirable refusing him entry, he found temporary refuge only in Uraguay, eventually had to return to India. Rajneeshpuram has become a sort of shady area of the collective motion of orange and a shady aspect of their own spiritual leader Rajneesh. For this reason, around this story, have arisen a number of legends about the failure of the City due to an external conspiracy, a conspiracy captive-reganiano and not to internal forces of disintegration. The start of this mythology that sees the city fall under the blows of an assault that the government has its apex, as we shall see, in the novel form of the leader of the orange, it gave its Rajneesh in a delusional and hateful speech two years after his expulsion from the United States where, in the end, he compares himself to Jesus Christ. << One of my lawyers, and even my sannyasin, Swami Niren is here >> says Rajneesh in that conference, <>.
In an article published recently, comes inscribed a sentence that would have said the lawyer was Charles Turner who followed Rajneesh << I did not like looking at the man. It was small and unpleasant, while having a certain magnetism, his eyes were bright with a twinkle almost satanic. Hovered around him feel bad ... [12] >>.
The sentence is given by the author to demonstrate the hostility of the authorities to Rajneesh and his disciples. The article does not say that the same lawyer status was the subject of an assassination attempt by members of the sect of the orange. Charles Turner has the right to express an opinion ... so severe because it was designated one of the victims of that wonderful town. Then, we can agree, Charles Turner may be a victim nasty, bigoted a victim, a victim who was the most sinister incarnation of that old man who was trying to supplant Rajnnesh with Homo Rajeenensis but is in no way acceptable the new man rajneesiano must arise as long as the old man who obstructs finish below ground. Ascoltanto oranges and Rajneesh seems that, in the dramatic events of Rajneeshpuram, the only victim is Rajneesh. He was the victim of a government conspiracy that destroyed his beautiful and wonderful creature Rajneeshpuram, he was poisoned slowly by Sheela and the gang of his close disciples mixing the milk he drank some strange concoction prepared by "Nurse Mengele," for surplus would have been poisoned with the same purpose and also how the administration of Ronald Reagan. There is, however, another point of view, that the citizens of Oregon and its public authorities who saw in orange a powerful and dangerous cult that attempt on the life of thousands of people of Oregon. A cult that grew and he experienced carriers bacteriological tests to verify the effectiveness of the local population in view of a large-scale bioterrorist attack, a sect that had planned a terrorist attack on the city of The Dallas using an airplane loaded with explosives.
A point of view which sees its leaders live in luxury and splendor outrageous. Luxury and opulence created squeezing his devotees through the sale of his books, gadgets, and through a series of initiatives that have made teaching a spiritual flourishing and lucrative commercial business. It is said that you can learn from the past to ensure that the same mistakes are not repeated. If this is true shed light on the events of the Commune of orange, can be of immense help because we are not immune to these trends, quell'intolleranza. Meditating on those events may be able to learn to recognize in us the seed of violence that leaves schiusosi show the tree intolerance. LA
Rajneesh, or Mr. Chandra Mohan, born in the village of Kuchwada in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh on December 11, 1931. According to him gained enlightenment March 21, 1953. He kept it a secret for many years.Character discussed and controversial is the reference point for millions of people. Maybe it's one of the best-known guru by non-professionals because of its collection of Rolls Royce and luxury watches, but for the extravagant clothes, luxurious wearing no more than once. In 1971, Ma Anand Laxmi, the first of a series of Rajneesh's personal secretary who ruled the fate of the movement of the orange with a despotic iron fist, bought in Pune, north of Bombay, in a residential area of the earth and there arose an Ashram which soon became a thriving destination for spiritual tourism. In 1981 Laxmi But Ananda was replaced by Ma Ananda Sheela. Laxmi was actually banned from Puna with the excuse of finding a suitable place in India to a large settlement. Laxmi long sought far and wide a site for a large new ashram. But the Indian government worried about the scandal that the Koregaon park, where he established the ashram in Poona, had become broke in the negotiations fail making them one step away from signing.In the Meantime was an attempt at killing Rajneesh. During a conference he was thrown against a knife that fell at his feet, he looked at him quizzically for a moment and then continued his reading.
They were then planted bombs at a book warehouse and near the medical center ashram. Of the followers of Rajneesh in some books [13] wrote that the bombs were to be attributed to Sheela who had begun his climb to power in the organization and were intended to pass as the ashram attacked by elements hostile outsiders and that from Poona began his experiments with drugs and poisons helped by a Filipino nurse called Puja. Towards the end of the stay of Rajneesh in Poona and Ma Anand Sheela became a leading figure of the Rajneesh Rajneesh Foundation International began increasingly to speak of a "New City". "The time for families is expired, the city has passed, the time of nations is past. The world should be one, made up of small communities [14]. " "First, the family can not remain the basic unit of society. It is the root of millions of illnesses, is the basic building block of which nations are made, of which the races are made, religious organizations are made. The family has destroyed the happiness of man and woman in the entire human species. Its basic structure is possessiveness - the husband owns his wife and their own children - and when you possess a human being you have raised him his dignity, his freedom, his true humanity [15]. " "I want every man to become a discoverer: a Galileo, a Copernicus, a Columbus, in the outer world and Gautama Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Chuang Tzu in the inner world.
My whole effort is focused on one thing: create the new man as Zorba the Buddha. In a model of each municipality has the qualities of Zorba and the qualities of the Buddha; tremendously interested in the outside world and at the same time love of soul searching. The day you become both together will be the new man and the new man will be the wise of the world [16]. " Sheela, while in India Laxmi tried unsuccessfully a place for the new settlement, channeled to a small town in New Jersey several million dollars. Rajneesh, Shela and others flew in the United States and landed at Kennedy Airport on June 1, 1981. Rajneesh had obtained a visa for reasons of health, the excuse was that his entry was treating the serious problems of her back, some 400 of his followers were married in U.S. citizens and followed him a short, marriages had been contracted by phone.
The day I landed at customs said that he was asked by the customs officer if it was an anarchist, he replied that in reality it was more of an anarchist. The official says Rajneesh, showed signs of embarrassment and not fall under the enumeration of his instructions that <> The valid visa. [17] Rajneesh has always said that he arrived in America with no intention to stay there, in spite of this evidence, however, after just two months he changed his mind and asked to remain in America as a religious leader. Upon arriving in New Jersey bought a house one hundred years old and proceeded to its restoration. The castle was, in their view, a temporary resting place in order to find a better place.The New Jersey loved to Rajneesh, saw it as a beautiful garden, but it was too wet and his health suffered extremely poor. Also in New Jersey had a worsening of his allergic reaction that already ammontavono three or four attacks a week that made it impossible to sleep for many nights and life extremely painful [18].
When moved to the rancho his health improved greatly thanks to the desert climate and the time he stayed in did not have any trouble. When Sheela began looking for a suitable place Rajneesh said: << Not in California. Everywhere is fine but not in California, because of all the idiots of Indian gurus who have no influence in India, who have no intelligence, I do not mix with those people [19] >>. On 10 July 1981, Sheela through meditation center of the orange Chidvilas of Montclair, New Jersey bought the Big Muddy Ranch about 100 square miles, which was the set of the movie by John Waine. The center paid for the Ranch six million dollars acquired from a company in Amarillo Texas.We try, as part of the center, also detect 14,889 acres in the same area by the Bureau of Land Management.Representatives of Rajneesh announced that it planned to build a city <> Called Rajneeshpuram. The Rajneesh Foundation International planned that after three years they built a city, completely self-sufficient, of about three square miles with a population of 1500-2000 people. One of the first to arrive on the scene was a Scot whose name was Samnyas Shiva, which was used in the Commune as a bodyguard. Shiva has left us a memory of when he came to Big Muddy Ranch: << whilst driving the rear window was covered with dust, began to cough and We covered their noses with handkerchiefs. "This guy is nothing," our Australian driver said cheerfully, "expects to see the ranch." Sobbalzavamo on top of the hill and the driver moving his calloused hand along the horizon, he said, "what you see is ours." In front of us lay a succession of gently undulating hills, with valleys after valleys dotted with juniper trees and sagebrush tired.
I took off my sunglasses to better see this land, seemed to have a slight coloration buastra, it was blue, and the air was really clear. But hardly seemed the lush paradise that Sheela had described. The land was tired, and it seemed only to grow the tree that had a better chance of survival, the only thing that could grow in this arid land. You could not see a bird, a meadow, a brook. Clouds of dust everywhere [20] >>. A few weeks later came the great Guru in a Caravan from which not even put out the nose, and announced his intention to remain silent and secluded, in addition to seeing Sheela did not wish to participate in the current phase of the Commune.
Shiva can not help but notice how: << While the rest of us worked long hours in dangerous conditions. Sheela drove his new mercedes bright red, wore Gucci shoes, Gucci handbags carried and ordered clothes Dior sunglasses and Dunhill. His hands glowed gold, and wore a Rolex solid gold watch for men, on his wrist. Given its position of absolute authority, no one dared challenge his excesses or try to control it in some way [21] >>. Once you have bought the ranch they set out, without waiting for the necessary building permits, the work to build the various structures and renamed the Big Muddy in Rajneeshpuram. It seems that the cause of the growing conflict with the authorities is due to ignorance of Sheela U.S. law. When Sheela bought the Big Muddy Ranch was unaware that the United States all the lands are subject to what we have is named "plan", ie the state and local authorities, each according to their skills, are defined for each ground rules buildability. When Sheela bought the Ranch that land were mapped as an area for agricultural use only and therefore the coefficient of buildability was very limited, build a city on the land was completely illegal.
When county authorities tried to stop the works began a dispute without end and, losing patience, he set fire to their offices and poisoned the county commissioners. At first the red clothes of newcomers aroused curiosity only later, when the rajeenisti began to colonize the municipality of antelope with very questionable methods and became a danger of a political nature at the county level, the residents of the place historians began to consider the invaders. In April 1982, the Rajeenisti exploiting the possibility that an Oregon law allowing citizens to participate in elections even by those who had enrolled as a resident on the same day of the elections, as long resided in the state for more than twenty days, took control of the Hall of Antelope. Underlying these political aims was an attempt to circumvent the constraints of buildability incorporating antelope with the source Rajneeshpuram in order to create the conditions to reclassify lands of the former Big Mood by agricultural building. Antelope was set to become a ghost town at the time of the settlement occurred rajeenisti. At the rajeenisti bought all the affordable and then descended on the city with their orange uniforms. There were about forty of old peasants to Antelope led a retired life, simple and quiet.
Soon, their lives were turned upside down, Shiva had the task just put his nose out of the house to interview and photograph them just to annoy him, and soon the national media pinned the attention of Antelope. The rajeenisti to drive elderly residents began to hold well into the night, every night, and as loudly as possible of the party closer to their homes. Sheela at the same time he placed two to Antelope rajeenisti per inhabitant and old come the elections gained a majority of seats. Once acquired control of Antelope, showing great originality and display of imagination and respect for residents historians, changed the name of the city Rajneesh. The storming of the city of Antelope and the attempt to incorporate Rajneeshpuram was censored by Dave Frohnmeyer, lawyer for the state of Oregon, who wield the attempt to acquire the status of a city in Rajneeshpuram. The lawyer argued that in Rajneeshpuram there was no separation between state and religion, and thus it violated the constitution. One way as any to say that Rajneeshpuram not had a democratic structure [22].
Using their position of political majority, the newcomers, advanced requests for information about ongoing investigations of Rajneeshpuram and asked the government subsidies for private schools Rajneeste who had set up.Mr. Chandra Mohan had a visa from the U.S. consulate in Bombay which allowed him to stay in America for a maximum of one year. When, two months after the purchase of the rancho, called for the extension of his visa authorities for the control of immigration took place the controls and began to suspect that marriages among the disciples who came with Rajneesh and some American citizens could conceal a fraud of immigration laws. One of the results of the investigations was to find that Rajneesh had left India with an outstanding debt to the Government of India to six million dollars for taxes remained unanswered. This opened up an investigation that could lead to the discovery that Sheela and Vivek's partner Rajneesh had handled organizing about 400 bogus marriages between members of the orange and American citizens followers of Rajneesh to ensure that all of these people from buying American citizenship. It was, thus, in Rajneeshpuram to form a group of about 20 people most of who held key roles in the City and in the affairs of Rajneesh who acted in the style and methods of organized crime or terrorist groups with the power to remove obstacles that the Commune was meeting with the authorities of Oregon.
At one point Sheela asked a samnyas airplane pilot to fill a large airplane bombs and explosives and run it on the offices of Wasco County. The pilot argued that not only would destroy the offices but also half of the city and refused to do so and if Rajneesh knew about this idea. Sheela said that the order came directly from Osho. The pilot replied firmly, saying that they considered it credible that such an order was given by Rajneesh and persevered in the refusal. Immediately he was required to move to a common Europe. If it was not for the stubborn refusal of the pilot Sheela would have anticipated operating modes of the disaster of the Twin Towers September 11 Manattan ..Christopher Calder writes in <> [23]: <> Sheela and her gang, as he liked to call them Rajneesh, they set up a system of eavesdropping and telephone surprised that the FBI agents who examined during the investigations carried out after the escape from the Group of Twenty Municipality headed by Sheela. There was no place in town that escaped their watchful surveillance, toilets and bedrooms including even school children were watched. In addition, engineers were amazed by the FBI wiretap system and the possibility of being able to not only monitor all communications, but to record them at the same time. An advanced system that had never had the opportunity to see elsewhere.
Rajneesh had expressed his desire to keep the public silence. Then replaced the usual public meetings, held at Poona with the "walks" in a Rolls Royce.
In 1980, buying his first Rolls Royce, a Cornicle protected by armor and bulletproof glass. After it was established in the town told his disciples that he wanted a Rolls for each day of the year and began to buy them, sometimes at the rate of two per month. The city put on its own service center and an engineer of the Rolls went regularly to the town to test cars. Mr. Chandra Mohan loved to walk the streets of the town every day with a Rolls between different wings of devotees dressed in red to his cheering, singing and throwing flowers. Some of the Rolls were painted in psychedelic style to the point that when the fleet of 93 Rolls was put up for sale, it was necessary to intervene, said Reginald Abiss representative of Rolls Royce, to ensure that the colors and patterns that adorned them would result in a cardiac arrest to usual and serious customers of the renowned car manufacturer. A Rolls coast, said Abbiss, about $ 173,000, from the sale of the fleet of Rajneesh Dolbilina $ 1.4 million. [24] This excessive passion for Rolls Royce to Rajneesh earned the nickname "Guru of the Rolls" and is a sore point of Rajneesti. Rajneesh says: << I am not a hypocrite. I am the poorest man on earth. I have not a penny with me ... >>
The phrase is found in the chapter of his biography dedicated to his 93 Rolls Royce [25]. Says, still in this place: << Those cars do not belong to me - nothing belongs to me. I am the poorest man in the whole world, who lives more richly life possible. My people love me, they want to do something for me.
All those cars belong to the municipality. They make it available to me for an hour each day. I do not know what car they bring, but one thing is for sure, I'm only good in a Silver Spur. And they love me so much that they are trying to get trecensosessantacinque Rolls Royce, one for each day. And I say <>.
Rajneesh was driving with criminal recklessness. He loved going to the floor, even on roads where the speed limit was 50 miles he was traveling at 140 mph. He said that if you do not exceed one hundred mph you can enjoy the thrill of feeling that you are almost flying. Sometimes someone loaded in the car for the sake of seeing him terrified by his driving style. Mr. Chandra Mohan not only admits candidly that bad driving and recklessly, but when driving someone hates him make you notice << I'd rather die than be saved by driving erroneously advice someone .... >>because, he says, should respect the speed limits of 55 miles when his car can do 140 miles then. If you want me to respect speed limits manufactured cars traveling at only 55 mph and there is no need for me to breach the road rules ... if you make cars traveling at 55 mph you do not need that at every intersection, you place a sign with the speed limit. A couple of times the traffic police intercepted it, stopped and fined. At the invitation of the agent if he wanted to appeal the fine he said <> And paid the fine.
Since then, however, install an electronic device in the car warned him that if there were devices that could detect the speed. << >> The way I am, he concludes, << and it is too late to change (That's the way I am and it is too late to change) >>.
THE COMMON collapses
Rajneesh in September 1985 broke the public silence that had hitherto maintained and attack hard and contemptuously Sheela and another half dozen of his closest and most trusted disciples. He claimed that Sheela had betrayed his trust, had appropriate $ 55 million. Rajneesh said that he had made aproviggionamenti of weapons of war and installed a massive and extremely invasive system of wiretapping and electronic surveillance of the town by Sheela and her gang. On 17 December 1985 the Oregoniano, who had intrappreso a battle against the common press and saw the name of the reporter Zaitz L. who had intrappresa as number three in a list of enemies of the commune, drawn by the leaders of Rajeenisti from having to delete, reported the words of Rajneesh saying << Sheela and her gang have turned his village in a concentration camp >>. Calder writes: <>. On October 23, the grand jury indicted Portland Federal Rajneesh, Sheela and six other members of the entourage of Rajneshpuram crimes relative to immigration. After two days Sheela and two others were charged with the attempted murder of Rajneesh's personal physician. Sheela and 25 others escaped and fled to Germany. Rajneesh try to escape with his private jet to Bermuda but was arrested in Charlotte in North Carolina. Police seized his plane on a fortune in jewels and money, about a million dollars in valuable and $ 58,000, was also found a .38 caliber pistol loaded with bullets of Teflon. Sheela also was arrested in Germany. Rajneesh was returned to Oregon where he faced 35 charges. On 14 November patteggiò with the authorities that inquisivano, pleaded guilty, pay court costs and a fine and, according to the agreement, he was released to get away from the United States. A week after his departure, the original residents of Antelope demanded the return of the city hall to the original name.
Sheela was charged, has already been said, a large number of offenses and numerous civil actions were filed for the bankruptcy of Rajneeshpuram. In July of 1986 Sheela pleaded guilty and, as a result of an agreement, she was sentenced to twenty years in prison and fined $ 400,000. One of the charges against Sheela is a kind of guinness, poisoning by salmonella, 750 people in the city of The Dallas is the first recorded case of bioterrorism on U.S. soil.Sheela after gaining a majority in the municipality of Antelope wanted to have political control of Wasco County.The majority of voters in the county were living in the city of The Dallas. Sheela designed to manipulate elections with a dual action. On the one hand, by poisoning the water supply of the city, wanted to prevent people from going to vote, on the other hand started to pick up here and there and record them as homeless residents to Antelope to increase its voting power.
First we have experienced on two government commissioners who came to Rajneeshpuram offering of drinks contaminated with the excuse of ristorarli from hot it was. In later experienced the culture of salmonella contaminating the products of a grocery store, as they said, <> While they were shopping at The Dallas. Then they experienced the cultures of Nurse Mengele, Ma Ananda Puja, contaminating with salmonella restaurants. While the experiment the grocer does not seem to have had much success, that the restaurant went beyond their expectations, and the large number of sick, caught the attention of health authorities. On 17 September 1984 the Department of Public Health of Wasco-Sherman in Oregon beginning to receive reports of a large number of sick people whose symptoms were fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloody stools. All the patients had eaten at one of the restaurants of The Dallas. The doctors made cultures from stool specimens and found that it was due to the ongoing outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium bacillus. Sickened 751 people of which 45 had to be hospitalized. [26] Who was investigating the contagion beginning to experience difficulty to reconstruct the dynamics of the epidemic. The only thing in common was that many were eaten by Salad Bars [27].
But in a restaurant became ill only those who had used the blue cheese sauce, another sauce ranch. One of the restaurants had prepared the contaminated salad bars and buffets served in anyone who had participated in these ceremonies became ill. Other people who consumed only a cup of coffee became ill. The results of the cultures on the findings showed that fecal bacteria share a set of particular characteristics and who had the same structure and plasmid dell'antibiogramma also in a survey conducted between 1979 and 1980 on the bacterium Salmonella Typhimurium none of the bacteria examined had a identical structure. Operators immediately suspected that the outbreak was first suspected arson and is incentrarono the City of Orange. The investigation proceeded and it became clear that the laboratories of the City of Rajneeshpuram had bought a vial of Salmonella Typhimurium from the American Type Culture Collection in Rockville, Maryland a biomedical supply company. In 1985, investigators in the state of Oregon and the FBI searched the laboratories Rajnneshpuram found an open vial of Salmonella.Laboratory tests showed that the strain was identical to that detected in the epidemic of The Dallas.
The members of the sect had crops of different carriers and bacteriological contaminated with these sauces for salad bars and coffee cream when no one was watching them. The CDC (Center for Disease Control), although aware that the epidemic was fraudulent even before the investigations individuassero responsibilities decided not to disclose the matter. His concern is that giving publicity could be the start of a series of emulators of this criminal bioterrorist attack. The CDC report on the case was sent to health officials but with the recommendation of the matenere reserve.Only after the attack on the Japanese subway with nerve gas in 1995, at the hands of members of another religious sect, it was decided to publicize the case. View unwanted attention these precursors of bioterrorism were forced to postpone. Their attempt with the homeless ended miserably because on every new recording, is pinned to the attention of government authorities who carried out careful checks. Once the homeless were found to unnecessary unceremoniously shown the door. [28] THE MYTH OF
In 1988, Swami Prem Niren, the head of the lawyers of Rajneesh during the events in Oregon, said that his guru had been poisoned at the end of 1995 in prison in Oklahoma. Symptoms of Rajneesh said, corresponded to poisoning by thallium, however, continued, by tests carried out were not traces of this rare item. Veet Hand, director of Rajneesh Press Service of Los Angeles in a news sent to The Associated Press said that "the government of the United States had conspired to kill Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh." Niren said that though there is no evidence to that effect even if the prudence with which he treated the issue was due to his qualifications as a lawyer.
The first symptoms Rajneesh had them after lunch in the prison of Oklahoma and this led him to believe that he was poisoned there. Niren said he does not believe that the guards are involved, but the CIA. Niren but did not expect, by the authority, an admission of guilt. Niren has also said that he asked a plea bargain and Rajneesh advised to plead guilty of the crimes he has been charged because he believed that the life of Rajneesh was in danger. Charles Turner, in learning these singular statements, said that they were of pure speculation and should be considered in evaluating them that they had been issued. Turner also said that the federal court had determined that Rajneesh had committed crimes and was defended by three skilled lawyers in the proceedings of which Niren was one. If Niren Rajneesh convinced to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit should be disbarred. Rajneesh also had access to all prison medical care he needed. Turner also said that Rajneesh was close to all the judicial proceedings and not felt that he had nothing. [29] On this aspect of health Rajneesh Calder writes: <>. We summarize the possible points of view on the matter: 1) You take the good the conspiracy theories of the administration of Ronald Reagan who, allied with phantom fundamentalist Christians, have conspired against the City and Rajneesh poisoned but you have the clarity to recognize that it's just a hypothesis without probative evidence, 2) an act of naked faith not only believes that the conspiracy is real but you get to enter in the Thallium, the chemical agent which, Rajneesh was poisoned and what Despite what the same Rajneesh, said at a conference which will be discussed shortly, the impossibility of tracing the aggressive chemical that has been contaminated, and 3) the point of view of the government that define the two points of view previous specious allegations and intended to mystify the reality of the events we have described, 4) the point of view of those who recognize that the health of Rajneesh was never good ... Rajneesh has applied for a visa to cure his back that said to be hopelessly compromised, said to suffer from three or four very serious allergic reaction that make him feel terrible, Shiva tells how his job as a bodyguard included to prevent anyone who came near him, to Rajneesh did not wear perfume because he was allergic to perfumes and incense and think that the accumulation of the discomforts of Rajneesh with age resulted in a final collapse.
The medical report talks about the death of Rajneesh is due to a cardiac arrest. Sure ... it must be recognized that the City of Rajneesh was something extremely disturbing from the point of view of political values and conservative America. The rest of the U.S. administration was committed to the same period in dirty operations and secret in Latin American countries that have led to serious violations of civil rights and a veritable crime against humanity. It is not difficult to imagine a strong hostility dell'establishement American conservative against a guru and a municipality that wanted to embody the values which represented a highly revolutionary aspects. The point is that Rajneesh has no moral stature and his disciples have committed acts that have not only violated the criminal law, but are boundless in bioterrorism and at least one of these crimes Sheela assign the authorship to his own guru. The system of eavesdropping and telephone of the Rancho was ordained by Rajneesh because, he said Sheela, intoxicated by inhalation of valium and laughing gas (nitrous oxide) saw enemies everywhere [31]. In September 1987, 13 Sheela told the Associated Press that she suffers the consequences for Rajneesh who now has reconstituted his court in Pune.
RONALD REGAN crucify Rajneesh
So begins one of the speeches that were included in the collection <> This speech was present, as the same Rajneesh, Swami Niren the lawyer who was in charge of his defense team for the facts of Oregon. Rajneesh says his long journey back to Oregon after his arrest at a gas station in Charlotte was the result of a conspiracy at the highest levels of the White House. He says that, in the park in the prison of Oklahoma, he was asked to fill in a form and put the generality of the Washintong David Marshall ordered him, the question of why would he do something so stupid, answered << "I can not answer anything . I'm fulfilling of orders from above. " And from >> concludes Rajneesh, <>.<> Continues Rajneesh, << was that if I wrote and I signed David david Washintong Washintong I could be killed, poisoned, shot, and there was no evidence that I had ever entered the prison >>. In short Rajneesh implies that in the twelve days that passed through in different prisons he was poisoned slowly, with an unidentified substance, perhaps put in the food, maybe a drink, or maybe exposed to radiation, but, however, able to disappear by the body in a short time without leaving traces and, at the same time, undermining irreparably his health. Basically projects on the U.S. government's modus operandi which he attributed to Sheela in the conference in which he denounced the crimes it committed to the press, including its likely attempted murder. Rajneesh in his speech said that the attempted murder of his personal physician, Swami Devaraj, who was injected with a poison that led him to a passage from death, and attempting to murder his partner Vivek concealed attempt to prevent people close to him to bring his knowledge of the criminal activities of the Group of Twenty and that it was planning his murder.
The assassination of Devaraj, according to some, however, conceals yet another power struggle that Rajneesh is no stranger who sees the doctor's wife of Rajneesh, Prem Hasya, as happened in reality, encouraged by her husband to replace Sheela. To look for evidence of this alleged poisoning were taken blood tests, urine and hair by the best experts in England and Germany. Rajneesh says the conference that the poison which would have been poisoned has been identified, browsing a number of assumptions and in addition to thallium, speaks of synthetic heroin, fluorocarbon, of atomic radiation. In the end he concludes by saying: << The question is not what poison I was given, but it is certain that I have been poisoned by the U.S. government of Ronald Reagan [34] >>. Rajneesh continues to set out the evidence of the conspiracy and, in delusions of persecution, including the judge Leavy who delivered the judgment in which he was sentenced to a fine salty, 10 years probation and expulsion from the country with a ban not to return for at least 5 years. This part of the speech deserves an introductory reflection.
L '<> Is a form of plea agreement between the defense and the prosecution. Settlements have an important function deflation of the judicial process and have a wide use in legal proceedings American. Instead of going to trial where, after having heard as a witness evidence, a jury will decide on the guilt or otherwise of the accused and the judge formalizes the penalty sides, prosecution and defense, they may agree on the charges and on the limits of sanctions apply. These institutes of the settlement thus reduce the machinery of justice from proceeding to prosecute the offender in accordance with a solemn and complex procedural and altogether expensive but on the other hand offer to the accused who pleads guilty an advantage. The advantage may be changing the classification of the offense, or a discount on the penalty. After all these institutes proceedings are much more popular in Italy, thanks to successful television series, such as Law and Order, that the institutions of the settlement proceedings brought our own with the latest code of criminal procedure. The agreement is then implemented by the judge. Rajneesh said, after pleading guilty of two offenses contestatigli,: <>.
Contrary to the spirit of the institute which provides explicit and written agreement between the prosecution and defense he shows himself quite surprised at the severity of the penalties which they invest. Rajneesh said that his lawyers were threatened by the lawyer of state said <>. With his usual acrobatics report says that the cause was appointed United States of America against Bhagavan Shree Rajneesh, and therefore the greatest nation in the world, the greatest power in history would never accept that he, the individual powerless defeating. These justifications that Rajneesh, with lies and verbal acrobatics, to deny the undeniable, that has agreed to take off from worse trouble, to admit his guilt, thus taking advantage of a system that rewards the offender give an indication of his lack of dignity and corruption and make her figure, as the Calder, pathetic liar. Says another lie and that is that the immediate expulsion prevented him to appeal to the Supreme Court. In the section of the U.S. Attorney's Manual published on the website of the U.S. Department of Justice to section 9-16015 <> Told that the lawyer state can not allow the so-called "Alford Plea" when the defendant maintains his innocence of the charges on which he wants to negotiate.
Rajneesh pleaded guilty of the crimes he has been charged to those who have had to resort to self? He himself said that his guilty plea was recorded by the judge, but at the same time denies that it is found guilty, saying that he would never plead guilty to crimes he did not commit. At an early stage of the judicial process which can be accessed on the assumption of a guilty plea, taking advantage of the benefits available under the plea agreement which the suspension of the sentence, in front of a verbalization of his guilty plea formalized according to the trappings of 'judicial act he states that he never would be found guilty of a crime he did not commit, and so I have not made. This is ... Rajneesh also tells that in the prison of Portland was seated on a chair next to a bomb that was detonated if he had not pleaded guilty ... the bomb did not explode ... We must say that, as a matter of Rajneesh, was not the first time they tried to poison him slowly ... Rajneesh facing the same charges Sheela and his gang, however, at that time the charge was supported by some evidence from witnesses. The samnyas who ruled the cow from which you drew the milk for his breakfast, saw that Ma Ananda Puja, known as Nurse Mengele, he added something in the milk.Between the two alleged poisoners who accused him of attempt on his life Rajneesh choose Ronald Regan.
Not content with what he says: "At this time Jesus was crucified in America by the Christians." He says that Christ was crucified, but that, thanks to an agreement between his disciples and Pontius Pilate, as if he had witnessed the facts, which convinced of his innocence crucified him only to meet the expectations of the crowd, he was deposed from the same only after three more hours in life. Placed in a cave guarded by Roman soldiers during the night was allowed to escape and he went to Kashmir in a small village called Pahalgam. Then Christ lived in India until the age of one hundred and twenty years. << History repeats itself. I have been crucified at this time in America ... and these seven weeks I have struggled against the poison. I am happy to tell you that the crucifixion is over and I am risen [37] >>. Rajneesh then says it is symbolic that Jesus was crucified and resurrected in America in India because it is the victory of love over hatred, of life over death, the East on the West, the victory of truth over criminals like Ronald Regan . So in short Rajneesh an ear infection has made it a cosmic event and uses a language apocalyptic final battle of the last days. Continue on like this and then say that it is certainly of tremendous importance that after twenty centuries a man like Jesus, that he was crucified by the Christians by the conspiracy of fundamentalist American Christians in cahoots with Ronald Regan. Goes on to say <>. After this frenzy, in which juxtaposes, it is not clear under what logic and coherence, one of the two plots which reported to poison a refugee in India Jesus crucified and resurrected, but not simply deposed, proclaims: "There is a one religion, that of love. "
The facts of Rahneeshpuram had a long judicial follow-up and gave rise to a mythology of the orange that the collapse of the town in Oregon was attributable to a conspiracy by the White House but Sheela on which all the responsibility was discharged what happened? Much to the surprise of the judicial officers of Oregon was released a month earlier than expected, and his release was not notified to them by federal officials, so she could exit from federal prison, to fly to Europe.
Until 1999, if he had ventured outside of Switzerland, where he has taken refuge would have run the risk of being arrested and extradited to the United States but with his marriage to a Swiss follower of Rajneesh Birstiel Urs, who died of AIDS in 1992, As a widow of a Swiss citizen, and the fact that there was an agreement providing for the extradition from Switzerland and the United States has been able to rebuild their lives. The Oregoniano 26 December 1999 published an article by Jeanie Senior telling you that Sheela works in two Swiss nursing homes caring for elderly patients. Sheela says in a telephone interview, his nursing home, which employs 17 people, offers a friendly, warm, non-threatening in which patients should wash every day and no aggression is tolerated. Nursing homes where works are in Maisprach and Liestal, villages about twenty minutes from the city of Basel. The occupation of Sheela who now goes by the name Sheela Birnstiel surprisingly, some of the officers of the County of Wasco. Judge John Mabrey whose predecessor William Hulse was hospitalized after being poisoned by Sheela exclaims "We know it's a wicked woman accomplice in crimes, I would not want to be responsible for the care of anyone I know." The official collection of the county said: "It was not punished much for the pain that led to Wasco County, but it is beyond my comprehension imagine dealing with employees or less fortunate people in a humane manner" [39].Sheela in a recent interview said << He asked me to buy another 30 months in a Rolls Royce ... This would mean removing the sannyasin who lived at Rajneeshpuram the necessary resources for the most basic daily needs.
He was my lover, but my son Rajneeshpuram. It was unthinkable for me, Indian woman, think of refusing to obey.How could he do to protect my son from him? A Guru should have disciples who had in them as much courage and strength to be able to say no >>.
What is the lesson of wisdom which events I have narrated so far we can offer? The first consideration is that there can be isolated from society. Rajneeshpuram has not entered into dialogue with the surrounding reality and did not try to mediate its instances with the surrounding environment. You tried so arrogant and violent to shape the environment according to their own choice who considered themselves righteous, and we have seen instances of civil society in Oregon, who wanted to respect its rules, a conspiracy, an obstacle to be eliminated all costs. You can not claim to be the custodians of truth and consider all the other wrong. Rajneeshpuram was founded on the premise that a new revelation was discovered this truth and reveals how the other views are false, wrong, to escape from prison by a deconditioning cultural and social. There is evidence that as long as a community centered around a charismatic leader, the one that is defined by some sect, remains in dialogue with society deviant trends that may be present in the leader or the community will be resolved in a constructive dialogue. community receives from society and the community gives to society. The first alarm bells would be an investigation of isolation, separation based on discriminating the truth of the community and the rules that stem from it are in irreconcilable conflict with those of civil society in which it is located. When a community, a sect, is withdrawn by the company to create a "new" world, a way of life just, true, harmonica that can not be reconciled with the rules of civil society deemed false, wrong imprisoning the deviations increase exponentially. The second consideration is that obedience to the guru can not mean in any way waive its own critical faculties. Both during the experience in Oregon, and then the deviant aspects of that experience and Rajneesh led all'esondazione river of words, a river of convoluted explanations from his followers who, esondando the banks of common sense, flooded the lands of critical thinking skills. His disciples found themselves in the embarrassing situation to save the reputation of enlightened master of the obvious disaster and Rajneesh Oregon. The easiest way was to escape mythology that Rajneesh himself gave impetus to life. The Commune was a wonderful and beautiful creature that sparked violent reactions of a community bigoted and reactionary who saw in it a mirror which laid bare all their complex and frustrations. Someone who is not just made to obliterate the memory of the horrors of Rajneeshpuram, the horror of a community whose members were manipulated, as he had predicted in Orwell's "1984" [40], has seen fit to see Rajneeshpuram a kind of culture, a sort of social tube, in which Rajneesh in his enlightened seer, he has exhibited his beloved disciples to the virus of fascism and totalitarianism to immunize them, to enable them to develop an antibody against all forms of authoritarianism [41] . Someone has even come to believe that the crimes of Sheela have been the last refuge of his ego that he was breaking up for his daily approach to Rajneesh. A river of words of words led to overflows, from the banks of common sense, under the impulse of the powerful numinosity a subconscious inner instance, the projection of archetypal constellation of the Master on the figure of Rajneesh. Perhaps the ultimate lesson of wisdom that we should rediscover, by reading this story, he is always there when we approach a teacher, a maximum of Zen Buddhism, "If you meet a Buddha on the road kill him." INDEX OF IMAGES plate Memorial http://www.a2zgorge.info/images/towns/Antelope/Antelope-plaque.jpg Sheela Sheela naturist http://www.n0by.de/2/bha/OSHO0042.HTM which overlaps the posters of Rajneesh http :/ / www.empnet.com / Imageworks / gallery.html Rajneesh chair http://www.empnet.com/imageworks/Raj1.htm Disciple shining Rolls http://www.empnet.com/imageworks/Raj3 . htm Rajneesh and rolls covered with flowers http://www.empnet.com/imageworks/Raj3.htm Mugshot of Rajneesh http://gesswhoto.com \ Oregon Sheriffs - Wasco County.htm Mugshot of Sheela http:// gesswhoto.com \ Oregon Sheriffs - Wasco County.htm One of the homeless recruited for electoral fraud http://www.empnet.com/imageworks/Raj3.htm Sheela and Niren http://www.empnet.com/imageworks/ raj2.htm Sheela Sheela www.http//:connection.com rabbit at work in his nursing home www.http//:connection.com ----------------- _______________________________________________ --------------------------------- [1] http://www.geocities.com/athens/olympus/ 3588/rajengl.htm. [2] idem. [3] James S. Gordon Apres Bhagwan http://membres.lycos.fr/tussier/rajnees1.htm. This is the French translation of an article published in the Washington Post of 18 October 1987. [4] idem. [5] http://www.a2zgorge.info/images/towns/Antelope/Antelope-plaque.jpg; http://www.ghosttowns.com/states/or/antelope.html. [6] Experiment to provoke God . [7] Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations. The RICO Act Applies to a wide variety of crimes. Originally, the breadth of the RICO Act was Intended to give law enforcement, and private persons, broad power to fight organized crime, Whether "organized crime" was traditional mobsters, members of a drug ring, or gangsters. The RICO Act has over time, However, resulted in unforeseen applications. For example, corporations have been sued under the RICO Act for allegedly distributing false advertisements, lawyers, bankers, accountants, and other professionals, have been sued under the RICO Act for allegedly Assisting clients in organizing, or Assisting in the organization of, schemes to defraud; spouses have been sued for allegedly Concealing the value of marital assets in divorce proceedings, and, civil protest groups have been sued for intimidating and extorting the customers of the industries That Aimed to disrupt the protest. Although more December These unusual applications of the RICO Act may not have been Intended by Congress, they can be legitimate uses of the RICO Act http://www.ricoact.com/ FAQ [8] http://hnn.us/articles / printfriendly/335.html [9] A form of plea bargaining. [10] N. Ashe 1, Spring Equinox 2003 The rise and the fall of Rajneeshpuram Sven Davisson, http://www.ashe-prem.org/two/davisson.shtml. [11] http://www.barnett.sk/software/osho / askosh29.htm [12] Luca Scantamburlo Love is all the rest is commentary Stargate N. September 13, 2003. [13] Hugh Milne The god That have falled Saint Martin 's Press, Franklin, Satya Bharti The promise of Paradise Hill Station New York, 1992. [14] cited. Sam in Life of Osho Samnyas London 1997, p 116. [15] cited. Sam in Life of Osho Samnyas London 1997, p 117. [16] idem page 118. [17] http://www.oshoturk.com/osho-life/08-01-america.htm. This is one of the many online editions of Osho's Life, a biography of Rajneesh made gathering places of his speeches where he talked about himself, the same is also published on Osho Wordl. [18] Idem. [19] Idem. [20] Sam The life of Osho page 127. [21] Sam The Life of Osho page 128. [22] In December 1985, the Federal Judge Helen J. Frye decided that the city-town was a mixture of church and state unconstitutional. The state prosecutor said Frohmayer << Queta was the most flagrant violation of the principle of separation of church and state fraa in the modern history of America.http://members.lycos.fr/tussier/rajnees3.htm [23] http://www.clipper.net/ ~ calder / Osho.html. There is a translation of this article in Italian by Alessia Guidi at http://alessiaguidi.provocation.net/index.htm. [24] APPA 07/26 1407-Rajneesh Rolls Royce By DANIEL J. Wakin Associated Press Writer NEWARK, N http://www.skeptictank.org/ [25] http://www.oshoturk.com/osho-life/08-20-rolls.htm [26] See http:// www.oreilly.com/catalog/dbnationtp/chapter/ch09.html paragraphs chemical-Biological Terrorism and Bioterrorism Attack in Oregon. http://hnn.us/articles/printfriendly/335.html.http://www.efilmgroup.com/Dispatch/dispatch.html/Bioterrorism in Oregon.htm; Oregonian, The (Portland, OR) September 30, 2001 OREGON HIT WITH BIOWEAPON IN '84 Author: LES ZAITZ - The Oregonian [27 ] The salad bars are the dispensers of food. [28] The Story of a Truly Contaminated Election Columbia Journalism Review / Jan / Feb 2001 By Lawrence K. Grossman. http://www.rickross.com/groups/rajneesh.html [29] APwa 12/15 1455 Rajneesh Conspiracy By BRIAN S. Akre Associated Press Writer PORTLAND, Or http://www.skepticfiles.org/cultinfo/index.htm/ [30] http://www.clipper.net/ ~ calder / Osho.html. There is a translation of this article in Italian by Alessia Guidi at http://alessiaguidi.provocation.net/index.htm [31] James Long The rise and fall of Rancho Rajneesh Oregonian July 29, 1994. The Oregoniano is available online for a service that is accessible via password. Through the link of Dallas High School Library at http://www.open.org/ ~ dallashs / you can access the protected area and see the most recent years. [32] http://www.barnett .sk/software/osho/askosh29.htm [33] http://www.barnett.sk/software/osho/askosh29.htm [34] http://www.barnett.sk/software/osho/askosh29.htm [35] http://www.barnett.sk/software/osho/askosh29.htm [36] http://www.barnett.sk/software/osho/askosh29.htm [37] http://www.barnett .sk/software/osho/askosh29.htm [38] idem. [39] http://www.rickross.com/reference/rajneesh/rajneesh3.html [40] THE Orwell's 1984 together with "Animal Farm "is part of the series of so-called negative utopias. 1984 is obtained by the inversion of the last two digits of the year in which it was written, 1948. It tells of an authoritarian society in which the control of dissent is not exercised by mere violence but through the wise use of the combination of social and psychological techniques and total control of the media. Animal Farm tells of a revolution on a farm where the animals in search of a better life and freedom, they merely replace one ruling class human with a new ruling class of pigs that eventually become indistinguishable from the previous owners . [41] James S. Gordon Apres Bhagwan http://membres.lycos.fr/tussier/rajnees1.htm. This is the French translation of an article published in Washintong Post of 18 October 1987.
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