Amiche e amici, stasera parlerò per la prima volta della meditazione,
avvertendo che si tratta di una pratica del tutto scollegata da qualsiasi credenza o fede religiosa. (sbobinatura a cura di Roberta Palmerini).
avvertendo che si tratta di una pratica del tutto scollegata da qualsiasi credenza o fede religiosa. (sbobinatura a cura di Roberta Palmerini).
Intanto perché si dovrebbe meditare? Chi può trovare due momenti di tempo lungo la giornata per meditare, cioè starsene in un luogo privo di eccessivi rumori, seduti e attuare una pratica meditativa, che richiede almeno mezzora, due volte nella giornata?
Attenzione: in un prossimo incontro parleremo delle numerose degenerazioni che si trovano a pacchi, vere e proprie offerte di turismo alternativo, mascherate con termini quali meditazione, yoga, o peggio, con l'uso dei nomi di maestri, sotto forma di associazioni, resort, giornate di spiritualità, medicine alternative, pratiche tra le più disparate in cui medicina, tecniche psicologiche, pratiche a base di pietre, vetri, cibo, erbe e spezie, danze, musiche e chi più ne ha più ne metta, in un folle turbinio consumistico e da vere esperienze da Praticoni e Trafficoni.
Attenzione: in un prossimo incontro parleremo delle numerose degenerazioni che si trovano a pacchi, vere e proprie offerte di turismo alternativo, mascherate con termini quali meditazione, yoga, o peggio, con l'uso dei nomi di maestri, sotto forma di associazioni, resort, giornate di spiritualità, medicine alternative, pratiche tra le più disparate in cui medicina, tecniche psicologiche, pratiche a base di pietre, vetri, cibo, erbe e spezie, danze, musiche e chi più ne ha più ne metta, in un folle turbinio consumistico e da vere esperienze da Praticoni e Trafficoni.
La meditazione non è una pratica unitaria, anche se c'è chi sostiene che ogni tipo di meditazione alla fine consegue uno stesso risultato, sono tra quelli che credono che a seconda del tipo di meditazione che si pratica, si conseguono effetti fisiologici differenti. In ogni caso, è vero che ogni tecnica e pratica di meditazione, quando ben condotta, conduce ad un senso di calma e di silenzio interiore, di assenza di distrazioni della mente e del pensiero, che se anche fossero gli unici risultati conseguiti, varrebbero la pena ampiamente di iniziare a meditare.
Esistono meditazioni che richiedono l'aderenza ad un sistema di credenze, mentre altre sono più autonome, si configurano come vere e proprie tecniche da acquisire secondo due modalità differenti: il training e l'illuminazione immediata.
Personalmente sono stato ben iniziato alla Meditazione Dinamica di Osho, (MD, oppure Osho Dynamic Meditation, ODM) che pratico ormai da almeno 20 anni e questa tecnica integra una serie di posture, movimenti espressivi e una pratica di respirazione che fanno leva sull'assoluta spontaneità del corpo e della mente, che almeno nella prima fase, sono lasciati liberi di oscillare e canalizzare la loro energia in ogni direzione, per poi passare ad indirizzare tale energia in un flusso ordinato.
Se volete farvi una idea della MD di Osho, potete cercare i video su Youtube o nella barra laterale destra di questo blog.
Avverto che la meditazione è un'esperienza assoluta, pertanto non può essere descritta, né minimamente compresa fin quando uno non la prova.
Avverto che la meditazione è un'esperienza assoluta, pertanto non può essere descritta, né minimamente compresa fin quando uno non la prova.
Qui vi faccio vedere un video di un buon livello di quello che definisco una "pratica di meditazione ammaestrata", intendendo dire che tutto è così preciso, così giusto e perfetto, che praticamente sembra irreale e di fatto lo è (Vedi video più sotto).
La Meditazione Dinamica di Osho e tutta altra cosa vi garantisco, dato che c'ero e non ero il solo. Il momento della oscillazione del corpo era spesso indotto da una trance, dove solo dopo una preparazione di molti minuti si iniziava lo scarico vibrazionale. Ho visto gente praticamente muoversi come un coniglio, altri come un daino, altri saltare come canguri o cavallette, ma anche mi ricordo una bellissima ragazza dagli occhi grigio smeraldo, che sembrava ondulare, fluttuare come un serpente a sonagli: mi impressionava la sua capacità di stare in equilibrio anche su di un solo piede, o sui calcagni, una roba mai più vista. L'energia deve essere scaricata, lasciata fluire e di solito lo fa attraverso movimenti del tutto non controllati.
Questo è praticamente l'essenza del Tantra, liberare l'energia senza scaricarla nel solo atto sessuale. Ma Osho diceva che andava bene anche quello, se serviva a ottenere il flusso di energia giusto. Andava bene la MD, ma anche una libera espressione del corpo, come pure l'atto sessuale, se fatto con consapevolezza dell'energia che è implicata e scambiata con il partner. Diversamente, tutte queste pratiche diventano dei balli, dei movimenti di espressività corporea e degli atti sessuali di gruppo. Niente di male, ma allora perché parliamo di meditazione?
Quando degli amici mi chiedono quale tecnica di meditazione iniziare a praticare, di solito rispondo, in assenza di preferenze, la Meditazione Trascendentale, MT di Maharishi, morto tre anni fa, conosciuto in occidente perché fu contattato dai Beatles e altri artisti dell'epoca.
Premetto che Maharishi e il suo nuovo sodale Dr. Chopra sono al centro di una vera e propria industria, tra l'altro la TM è un marchi registrato in Usa ma non in Europa, e che gli articoli sui loro metodi sono stati al centro nel 1991 di una notevole polemica con la prestigiosa rivista medica JAMA, che asseriva con ragione che i due non erano persone indipendenti, essendo coinvolti con le pratiche e i marchi in questione, devo anche precisare che la meditazione basata sulla ripetizione di parole o suoni è una delle pratiche più antiche del mondo e di tutta l'India. In definitiva, la TM si configura come una riedizione per il mondo occidentale di una vecchissima pratica indiana e non solo. Pertanto con la TM intendo una pratica che si rifà all'utilizzo di un mantra, ma non solo e potete vedere cosa faccio personalmente tra breve. Aggiungo che creare una industria basata su pratiche culturali e tradizionali è per me il segno di qualcosa che non funziona come dovrebbe. (Maharishi aveva nei suoi alloggi 80 Kg di oro e somme di danaro ingenti, vedete voi).
La MT presenta alcuni vantaggi in confronto ad altre tecniche, ma due sono i suoi aspetti che la caratterizzano:
é una pura tecnica mentale che non richiede alcuna fede religiosa;
si basa su un principio molto semplice, centrato sulla ripetizione di una parola, che si fa o verbalmente o solo interiormente;
è l'unica forma di meditazione che gode di una serie di studi scientifici sui suoi effetti a medio e lungo termine sull'individuo.
Cominciamo col dire come si pratica la MT, di cui sono divenuto un buon praticante. Intanto ci si deve disporre in un assetto mentale di calma e tranquillità, in una stanza o all'aria aperta, non cambia e teoricamente non cambia se la eseguiamo nel mezzo di una strada piena di traffico e di caos. In ogni caso, io la eseguo due volte al giorno, la prima in casa, la seconda nel piccolo orto che circonda la casa dove abito, di preferenza sotto un piccolo olivo, seduto su un materassino da ginnastica.
E' bene assicurarsi che una volta iniziata, nessuno ci venga a interrompere o a disturbare, dal momento che scombinerebbe il nostro assetto mentale.
Si pratica alla temperatura naturale dell'ambiente, vale a dire senza riscaldamenti o climatizzatori. E' utile impiegare profumi di incenso o quelli che preferite, perché i profumi influenzano direttamente il nostro cervello e ne modificano lo stato emotivo (rinoencefalo), contribuendo a ottenere rilassamento e distacco mentale. La postura da assumere è di primaria importanza: non si medita distesi o in piedi ma solo seduti, preferibilmente nella posizione a gambe incrociate cioè quella del Loto o altrimenti con gambe semi-incrociate, detta del mezzo Loto (a parte la Meditazione Dinamica di Osho, che invece si pratica in movimento corporeo, dovuto all'influsso Sufi).
Fondamentale è mantenere la colonnna dorsale completamente eretta e ben distesa, eventualmente poggiandola ad un sostegno verticale (parete, albero, sedia). Il motivo risiede nel fatto che durante la meditazione si deve lasciar libero il flusso di energia nei 72 mila canali del corpo, che possiamo identificare con il sistema nervoso.
Ultimo punto, le braccia devono essere rivolte in avanti, i muscoli bicipiti devono stare rivolti in avanti e questo lo si ottiene ruotando le mani verso l'alto, cioè verso la faccia palmare. Questa posizione è l'unica che da 7mila anni i Veda raccomandano di tenere mentre si recitano preghiere e si medita. Il motivo è che la cassa toracica tende a restare più aperta e quindi a favorire la sua estensione.
Ora vi spiego cosa faccio io, tenedo presente che la mia pratica non è conforme alla sola MT, ma è un misto di diverse tecniche, che con gli anni mi sono ritagliate e adattate per il mio mind-body.
Assunta la posizione che vi ho detto, inizio a respirare sempre più lentamente e con una maggiore profondità, applicando il principio della canalizzazione del prana, iniziando a inspirare con la narice sinistra e alternando in questo modo, fino a terminare con l'esalazione con la radice destra, impiegando il pollice e l'indice delle due mani alternate, per chiudere le narici. In genere inizio con una formula di 3:12:6 per raggiungere la 4:16:8, che significa che inspiro aria per 3 secondi, trattengo con il diaframma ben abbbassato e addome rilassato per 12 secondi ed inspiro per 6 secondi.
Intanto questa modalità di respirazione favorisce il fenomeno del vuoto mentale, noterete che i pensieri cominciano a diradarsi un poco e man mano che si prosegue e si approfondisce con la respirazione alternata del Pranayama, la mente si svuota sempre più dei suoi pensieri.
Dopo una decina di minuti di questa respirazione, si termina e si inizia a respirare in modo libero, facendo fluire il flusso dei pensieri liberamente ma sempre più con distacco, come dei semplici osservatori di un film sullo schermo.
Dopo ulteriori minuti trascorsi a divenire i testimoni distaccati dei nostri pensieri ed emozioni, siamo pronti per iniziare a far risuonare il mantra, la parola che serve a guidare la vibrazione della mente in modo sempre più simmetrico e ordinato. Dopo poco, il mantra riempie completamente la mete e dissolve i suoi stati normali di coscienza, facendo emergere un Sé trascendente, vale a dire che trascende la materia, il corpo i pensieri e in definitiva il nostro stesso Io.
In questo stato emergono dei fenomeni particolari, come la percezione di odori insoliti, la visualizzazione spontanea di oggetti mentali (immagini e piccoli filmati al rallentatore), percezioni di colori e odori abbinati. Questo succede perché il nostro cervello sta continuando a produrre una sua attività spontanea, non più collegata all'ambiente, sono le cellule nervose che mantengono una loro spontanea attività, pur in assenza di una mente critica, di una direzione dei pensieri ed emozioni.
In questo stato, che può durare da alcuni minuti a diverse ore nei soggetti più allenati, il cervello entra in uno stato particolare di attività, simile alla veglia ma anche a quello degli stati più profondi di rilassamento e le ricerche effettuate ormai sono ben note ai medici e ricercatori. Si tratta di uno stato di coscienza di grande recupero psico-fisico, che permette una notevole disintossicazione di tutto l'organismo e può sostituire il sonno.
In genere la Meditazione è un training che si acquisisce con il tempo, ma spesso i soggetti affermano di essere entrati di botto, in un batter di ciglia nello stato che ho descritto, e questo dipende dalle caratteristiche individuali e da altri fattori che non sono ben conosciuti. In genere, a amici e amiche che si rivolgono a me, preferisco parlare della Meditazione come di uno stato da conseguire tramite una giusta motivazione e un adeguato training che segue a una serie di conoscenze preliminari su cosa è e cosa produce, tenendo sempre ben presente che solo provando si capisce cosa è per ciascuno di noi.
La meditazione lavora su di un livello quantico, nel senso che è uno stato di attività del Sistema Nervoso che o si consegue o no, non ci sono vie di mezzo: per quanto si faccia un training di apprendimento e di pratica, a differenza dell'ipnosi e autoipnosi, la Meditazione non corrisponde a differenti livelli di profondità e quindi di qualità. No, risponde al principio del tutto o del nulla.
Personalmente ho iniziato a interessarmi di ipnosi e autoipnosi circa 30 anni fa, e mi sono sottoposto ad un vero e proprio training per apprendere l'autoipnosi, notando che la modalità di induzione e la profondità della trance, erano sempre più profonde, man mano che continuavo a praticarla. Ma quando iniziai a essere introdotto alla Meditazione Dinamica, mi trovai completamente spiazzato: realizzavo che non c'era alcun training, e questo mi causò una notevole difficoltà. Provavo e riprovavo ma non conseguivo alcun cambiamento di stato di coscienza. Un giorno il maestro mi chiamò da parte e mi disse semplicemente "Give up!", lasciati andare, arrenditi alla meditazione, non fare niente, lascia che la mente fluttui dove vuole, non ostacolarla mai, continua solo a essere consapevole dello stato attuale istante per istante e continua a mantenere la tua posizione o asana; prima o poi l'evento accadrà da solo, quando meno te lo aspetti.
Il giorno in cui accadde, non l'ho dimenticato, avevo l'impressione di iniziare a fluttuare, vedevo la terra sotto di me e il cielo sopra di me come se fossero praticamente capovolti, ricordo che provavo una sorta di sublime terrore, e in seguito ho capito perché.
Il nostro cervello non tollera che la sua mente, cioè l'elemento con cui emerge alla coscienza, sia praticamente messa da parte, si questo è quello che fa la meditazione, letteralmente getta la mente, l'Io, in un canto e questo significa che il cervello non sfocia più in una attività mentale con cui identificarsi. Nella meditazione non ci sono sogni, non c'è sonno, non c'è una attività di pensiero come la conosciamo normalmente; piuttosto affiorano sensazioni, percezioni, stati emotivi che nell'insieme rappresentano una differente dimensione della coscienza, dove all'Io si sostituisce un Sè trascendente (che va oltre appunto la materia e la mente stessa).
Per capire come da molti anni è stato fatto uno scempio delle ottime pratiche di Osho, potete guardarvi questo video, e vi avverto amiche, che nel mondo di questa roba assolutamente volgarizzata e comunitaria della pratica della meditazione di Osho se ne trova una quantità immane.
Vero è che questa gente di solito non cerca di marciarci su, facendoci soldi, a differenza della MT di Maharishi, ma ricordatevi amiche: la meditazione presuppone una pratica almeno iniziale e per molti mesi, del tutto individuale e non comunitaria e massificata.
Diversamente si formano delle belle compagnie, che potrebbero riunirsi al solo scopo di stare in compagnia, fare un poco di espressione corporea, che va sempre bene, senza però tirare in ballo la parola magica: meditation, che come ho spiegato in un precedente articolo, va interpretata come una attività cosciente di DEPROGRAMMAZIONE MENTALE, contro il Brain Washing quotidiano. Inoltre, chi medita entra in una risonanza di pensiero ed emozioni che non permette di essere incoerenti.
Una maestra delle elementari dopo i primi tre mesi di meditazione cui era ricorsa ai miei consigli per iniziare e proseguire nel suo percorso, un giorno mi chiamò, e con tono fermo e deciso mi disse che dalla fine del mese non avrebbe più fatto la maestra. La guardai negli occhi e non dissi nulla, ma entrambi avevamo colto il riflesso degli occhi di ciascuno nell'altro.
Meditazione significa divenire osservatori attenti con l'occhio della mente, osservatori consapevoli, consapevolezza implica una espansione del Sé a scapito dell'Io, e questo implica ulteriore espansione di Coscienza.
Il risultato è che non siamo più gli stessi di prima, ora la nostra mente, i nostri pensieri, le nostre emozioni seguono una vibrazione di estrema coerenza e se qualcosa non va in noi, ne diveniamo subito consapevoli e possiamo adottare le misure che reputiamo in grado di addattarci alla maggiore coerenza interna. Mondo interno e mondo esterno si avvicinano, il molto grande diventa uguale al molto piccolo, gli estremi spariscono.
Nel momento in cui iniziate a meditare, finirete per entrare in questa vibrazione di coerenza, e allora, non potrete più continuare a fare un lavoro di cui adesso percepite tutte le contraddizioni, sia esso la maestra o il bancario o il fattorino postale. Da quel momento avete imboccato una strada senza ritorno, e siete maggiormente congiunti con un flusso di intelligenza universale; per questo si dice che mondo interno e mondo esterno praticamente coincidono.
Mettersi a fare dei balletti tutti assieme, è un'ottima pratica di socializzazione e di atarassia collettiva, orgiastica o meno, ma certamente non ha nulla a che vedere con iniziare un percorso di ricerca interiore che si avvale di una tecnica e pratica meditativa, sia la MD di Osho, che la MT di Maharishi, che di solito consiglio come tecnica di prima scelta per la sua estrema facilità di approccio.
Naturalmente, meditare implica adattare il nostro Mind-Body (Coscienza) alla tecnica, ma anche adattare la tecnica al nostro MB, come nell'esempio di training che pratico con la MT, modificata con Pranayama e altre forme di respirazione, Inoltre, si può abbinare, quando già confidenti, la MT al movimento corporeo, come quello della tradizione Sufi, modificandolo ed adattandolo liberamente al proprio essere. Muoversi in circolo come il pavone, mentre si fa risuonare mentalmente il mantra può condurre a vette incredibili, vicino all'esperienza di Samadi o Nirvana, che dir si voglia (la nostra vecchia idea di Estasi).
Ciao e alla prossima.
Neuroscienze dello sviluppo - Davis Camp
ricercat. at Biotron - Basil
Premetto che Maharishi e il suo nuovo sodale Dr. Chopra sono al centro di una vera e propria industria, tra l'altro la TM è un marchi registrato in Usa ma non in Europa, e che gli articoli sui loro metodi sono stati al centro nel 1991 di una notevole polemica con la prestigiosa rivista medica JAMA, che asseriva con ragione che i due non erano persone indipendenti, essendo coinvolti con le pratiche e i marchi in questione, devo anche precisare che la meditazione basata sulla ripetizione di parole o suoni è una delle pratiche più antiche del mondo e di tutta l'India. In definitiva, la TM si configura come una riedizione per il mondo occidentale di una vecchissima pratica indiana e non solo. Pertanto con la TM intendo una pratica che si rifà all'utilizzo di un mantra, ma non solo e potete vedere cosa faccio personalmente tra breve. Aggiungo che creare una industria basata su pratiche culturali e tradizionali è per me il segno di qualcosa che non funziona come dovrebbe. (Maharishi aveva nei suoi alloggi 80 Kg di oro e somme di danaro ingenti, vedete voi).
La MT presenta alcuni vantaggi in confronto ad altre tecniche, ma due sono i suoi aspetti che la caratterizzano:
é una pura tecnica mentale che non richiede alcuna fede religiosa;
si basa su un principio molto semplice, centrato sulla ripetizione di una parola, che si fa o verbalmente o solo interiormente;
è l'unica forma di meditazione che gode di una serie di studi scientifici sui suoi effetti a medio e lungo termine sull'individuo.
Cominciamo col dire come si pratica la MT, di cui sono divenuto un buon praticante. Intanto ci si deve disporre in un assetto mentale di calma e tranquillità, in una stanza o all'aria aperta, non cambia e teoricamente non cambia se la eseguiamo nel mezzo di una strada piena di traffico e di caos. In ogni caso, io la eseguo due volte al giorno, la prima in casa, la seconda nel piccolo orto che circonda la casa dove abito, di preferenza sotto un piccolo olivo, seduto su un materassino da ginnastica.
E' bene assicurarsi che una volta iniziata, nessuno ci venga a interrompere o a disturbare, dal momento che scombinerebbe il nostro assetto mentale.
Si pratica alla temperatura naturale dell'ambiente, vale a dire senza riscaldamenti o climatizzatori. E' utile impiegare profumi di incenso o quelli che preferite, perché i profumi influenzano direttamente il nostro cervello e ne modificano lo stato emotivo (rinoencefalo), contribuendo a ottenere rilassamento e distacco mentale. La postura da assumere è di primaria importanza: non si medita distesi o in piedi ma solo seduti, preferibilmente nella posizione a gambe incrociate cioè quella del Loto o altrimenti con gambe semi-incrociate, detta del mezzo Loto (a parte la Meditazione Dinamica di Osho, che invece si pratica in movimento corporeo, dovuto all'influsso Sufi).
Fondamentale è mantenere la colonnna dorsale completamente eretta e ben distesa, eventualmente poggiandola ad un sostegno verticale (parete, albero, sedia). Il motivo risiede nel fatto che durante la meditazione si deve lasciar libero il flusso di energia nei 72 mila canali del corpo, che possiamo identificare con il sistema nervoso.
Ultimo punto, le braccia devono essere rivolte in avanti, i muscoli bicipiti devono stare rivolti in avanti e questo lo si ottiene ruotando le mani verso l'alto, cioè verso la faccia palmare. Questa posizione è l'unica che da 7mila anni i Veda raccomandano di tenere mentre si recitano preghiere e si medita. Il motivo è che la cassa toracica tende a restare più aperta e quindi a favorire la sua estensione.
Ora vi spiego cosa faccio io, tenedo presente che la mia pratica non è conforme alla sola MT, ma è un misto di diverse tecniche, che con gli anni mi sono ritagliate e adattate per il mio mind-body.
Assunta la posizione che vi ho detto, inizio a respirare sempre più lentamente e con una maggiore profondità, applicando il principio della canalizzazione del prana, iniziando a inspirare con la narice sinistra e alternando in questo modo, fino a terminare con l'esalazione con la radice destra, impiegando il pollice e l'indice delle due mani alternate, per chiudere le narici. In genere inizio con una formula di 3:12:6 per raggiungere la 4:16:8, che significa che inspiro aria per 3 secondi, trattengo con il diaframma ben abbbassato e addome rilassato per 12 secondi ed inspiro per 6 secondi.
Intanto questa modalità di respirazione favorisce il fenomeno del vuoto mentale, noterete che i pensieri cominciano a diradarsi un poco e man mano che si prosegue e si approfondisce con la respirazione alternata del Pranayama, la mente si svuota sempre più dei suoi pensieri.
Dopo una decina di minuti di questa respirazione, si termina e si inizia a respirare in modo libero, facendo fluire il flusso dei pensieri liberamente ma sempre più con distacco, come dei semplici osservatori di un film sullo schermo.
Dopo ulteriori minuti trascorsi a divenire i testimoni distaccati dei nostri pensieri ed emozioni, siamo pronti per iniziare a far risuonare il mantra, la parola che serve a guidare la vibrazione della mente in modo sempre più simmetrico e ordinato. Dopo poco, il mantra riempie completamente la mete e dissolve i suoi stati normali di coscienza, facendo emergere un Sé trascendente, vale a dire che trascende la materia, il corpo i pensieri e in definitiva il nostro stesso Io.
In questo stato emergono dei fenomeni particolari, come la percezione di odori insoliti, la visualizzazione spontanea di oggetti mentali (immagini e piccoli filmati al rallentatore), percezioni di colori e odori abbinati. Questo succede perché il nostro cervello sta continuando a produrre una sua attività spontanea, non più collegata all'ambiente, sono le cellule nervose che mantengono una loro spontanea attività, pur in assenza di una mente critica, di una direzione dei pensieri ed emozioni.
In questo stato, che può durare da alcuni minuti a diverse ore nei soggetti più allenati, il cervello entra in uno stato particolare di attività, simile alla veglia ma anche a quello degli stati più profondi di rilassamento e le ricerche effettuate ormai sono ben note ai medici e ricercatori. Si tratta di uno stato di coscienza di grande recupero psico-fisico, che permette una notevole disintossicazione di tutto l'organismo e può sostituire il sonno.
In genere la Meditazione è un training che si acquisisce con il tempo, ma spesso i soggetti affermano di essere entrati di botto, in un batter di ciglia nello stato che ho descritto, e questo dipende dalle caratteristiche individuali e da altri fattori che non sono ben conosciuti. In genere, a amici e amiche che si rivolgono a me, preferisco parlare della Meditazione come di uno stato da conseguire tramite una giusta motivazione e un adeguato training che segue a una serie di conoscenze preliminari su cosa è e cosa produce, tenendo sempre ben presente che solo provando si capisce cosa è per ciascuno di noi.
La meditazione lavora su di un livello quantico, nel senso che è uno stato di attività del Sistema Nervoso che o si consegue o no, non ci sono vie di mezzo: per quanto si faccia un training di apprendimento e di pratica, a differenza dell'ipnosi e autoipnosi, la Meditazione non corrisponde a differenti livelli di profondità e quindi di qualità. No, risponde al principio del tutto o del nulla.
Personalmente ho iniziato a interessarmi di ipnosi e autoipnosi circa 30 anni fa, e mi sono sottoposto ad un vero e proprio training per apprendere l'autoipnosi, notando che la modalità di induzione e la profondità della trance, erano sempre più profonde, man mano che continuavo a praticarla. Ma quando iniziai a essere introdotto alla Meditazione Dinamica, mi trovai completamente spiazzato: realizzavo che non c'era alcun training, e questo mi causò una notevole difficoltà. Provavo e riprovavo ma non conseguivo alcun cambiamento di stato di coscienza. Un giorno il maestro mi chiamò da parte e mi disse semplicemente "Give up!", lasciati andare, arrenditi alla meditazione, non fare niente, lascia che la mente fluttui dove vuole, non ostacolarla mai, continua solo a essere consapevole dello stato attuale istante per istante e continua a mantenere la tua posizione o asana; prima o poi l'evento accadrà da solo, quando meno te lo aspetti.
Il giorno in cui accadde, non l'ho dimenticato, avevo l'impressione di iniziare a fluttuare, vedevo la terra sotto di me e il cielo sopra di me come se fossero praticamente capovolti, ricordo che provavo una sorta di sublime terrore, e in seguito ho capito perché.
Il nostro cervello non tollera che la sua mente, cioè l'elemento con cui emerge alla coscienza, sia praticamente messa da parte, si questo è quello che fa la meditazione, letteralmente getta la mente, l'Io, in un canto e questo significa che il cervello non sfocia più in una attività mentale con cui identificarsi. Nella meditazione non ci sono sogni, non c'è sonno, non c'è una attività di pensiero come la conosciamo normalmente; piuttosto affiorano sensazioni, percezioni, stati emotivi che nell'insieme rappresentano una differente dimensione della coscienza, dove all'Io si sostituisce un Sè trascendente (che va oltre appunto la materia e la mente stessa).
Per capire come da molti anni è stato fatto uno scempio delle ottime pratiche di Osho, potete guardarvi questo video, e vi avverto amiche, che nel mondo di questa roba assolutamente volgarizzata e comunitaria della pratica della meditazione di Osho se ne trova una quantità immane.
Vero è che questa gente di solito non cerca di marciarci su, facendoci soldi, a differenza della MT di Maharishi, ma ricordatevi amiche: la meditazione presuppone una pratica almeno iniziale e per molti mesi, del tutto individuale e non comunitaria e massificata.
Diversamente si formano delle belle compagnie, che potrebbero riunirsi al solo scopo di stare in compagnia, fare un poco di espressione corporea, che va sempre bene, senza però tirare in ballo la parola magica: meditation, che come ho spiegato in un precedente articolo, va interpretata come una attività cosciente di DEPROGRAMMAZIONE MENTALE, contro il Brain Washing quotidiano. Inoltre, chi medita entra in una risonanza di pensiero ed emozioni che non permette di essere incoerenti.
Una maestra delle elementari dopo i primi tre mesi di meditazione cui era ricorsa ai miei consigli per iniziare e proseguire nel suo percorso, un giorno mi chiamò, e con tono fermo e deciso mi disse che dalla fine del mese non avrebbe più fatto la maestra. La guardai negli occhi e non dissi nulla, ma entrambi avevamo colto il riflesso degli occhi di ciascuno nell'altro.
Meditazione significa divenire osservatori attenti con l'occhio della mente, osservatori consapevoli, consapevolezza implica una espansione del Sé a scapito dell'Io, e questo implica ulteriore espansione di Coscienza.
Il risultato è che non siamo più gli stessi di prima, ora la nostra mente, i nostri pensieri, le nostre emozioni seguono una vibrazione di estrema coerenza e se qualcosa non va in noi, ne diveniamo subito consapevoli e possiamo adottare le misure che reputiamo in grado di addattarci alla maggiore coerenza interna. Mondo interno e mondo esterno si avvicinano, il molto grande diventa uguale al molto piccolo, gli estremi spariscono.
Nel momento in cui iniziate a meditare, finirete per entrare in questa vibrazione di coerenza, e allora, non potrete più continuare a fare un lavoro di cui adesso percepite tutte le contraddizioni, sia esso la maestra o il bancario o il fattorino postale. Da quel momento avete imboccato una strada senza ritorno, e siete maggiormente congiunti con un flusso di intelligenza universale; per questo si dice che mondo interno e mondo esterno praticamente coincidono.
Mettersi a fare dei balletti tutti assieme, è un'ottima pratica di socializzazione e di atarassia collettiva, orgiastica o meno, ma certamente non ha nulla a che vedere con iniziare un percorso di ricerca interiore che si avvale di una tecnica e pratica meditativa, sia la MD di Osho, che la MT di Maharishi, che di solito consiglio come tecnica di prima scelta per la sua estrema facilità di approccio.
Naturalmente, meditare implica adattare il nostro Mind-Body (Coscienza) alla tecnica, ma anche adattare la tecnica al nostro MB, come nell'esempio di training che pratico con la MT, modificata con Pranayama e altre forme di respirazione, Inoltre, si può abbinare, quando già confidenti, la MT al movimento corporeo, come quello della tradizione Sufi, modificandolo ed adattandolo liberamente al proprio essere. Muoversi in circolo come il pavone, mentre si fa risuonare mentalmente il mantra può condurre a vette incredibili, vicino all'esperienza di Samadi o Nirvana, che dir si voglia (la nostra vecchia idea di Estasi).
Ciao e alla prossima.
Neuroscienze dello sviluppo - Davis Camp
ricercat. at Biotron - Basil
It's a great pleasure to welcome to LARRY KING LIVE, from Vlodrop, Holland, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
He is the author of the famous book, "Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation." He has not done an interview in 25 years. The book has been newly revised and updated. And it's an honor to welcome him to this program.
Is Maharishi a title or a name?
MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI, SPIRITUAL GURU AND AUTHOR: Title, I think. People begin to call significant of the characteristic of the word "Maharishi." "Maha" means great and "Rishi" is a seer. The seer of reality. The seer, that's what people called, and it became a sort of name.
KING: What is transcendental meditation?
MAHARISHI: Transcendental meditation is something that can be defined as a means to do what one wants to do in a better way, in a right way, for maximum results. It's a program that the mind begins to experience its own finer impressions, finer thoughts, and then finally transcends the finest thought. And that is the level of what they call self-referral pure consciousness, which is the ultimate reality of life, pure intelligence from where the creation emerges, from where the administration of life is maintained, from where physical expression of the universe has its basis.
So transcendental meditation brings about transcendental consciousness, which is self-referral consciousness, the source of all intelligence.
KING: Why...
MAHARISHI: That level of intelligence becomes creative intelligence.
KING: Why does it sound so hard to learn? MAHARISHI: I've been teaching transcendental meditation for 40, 50 years in the world, and everyone who has learned it knows how simple it is, how easy it is, because one's own consciousness cannot be difficult to anyone.
It's one's own life. It's one's own intelligence. It's nothing difficult at all.
KING: Is there a major first step to take? Suppose I want to learn this completely, what's the first thing, other than getting the re-release of your book, the first thing I should do?
MAHARISHI: Intend to have a better life. Just intention to have a more successful life. Think better. Create better influence for others and for oneself. Just the desire to be a better man, that's all.
KING: So we begin with the desire, which sounds very nice, but does this require a change of personality?
MAHARISHI: Change of personality will be for good as a result of it. But the intention is, wherever one is, one makes a plunge into the transcendent. That's all.
There is nothing difficult, there is nothing complicated, only one has to have a desire to have a better quality of life. And for that, one has so much of scientific research now. Hundreds of scientific researches, volumes full of volumes there are.
And that you have mentioned that book, "Science of Being and Art of Living," that was the first book that I wrote about 40
years ago. And now dozens of books are there. Hundreds of -- thousands of these videotapes are there for the world.
KING: Why have you been quiet for some time now? Why have you not -- have we not seen you much?
MAHARISHI: No, I was not quiet. Only, I got into creating the effect. I was teaching transcendental meditation for 30, 40 years, but I found that the world is not yet to the extent of possibility in the field of good.
So I realized that talking about like this, and on and on -- I realized that talking is not too much important. Creating the effect in the world -- and now I am engaging in creating the effect in the world.
KING: What you have to say is very important. One would hope that from now on we'll be hearing more of you.
MAHARISHI: People know enough good, but they are not able to do it because the effect from outside, the influence from outside -- his own society, other countries, other cultures, even sun, moon, stars, galaxies, influence. So many, many influences from all over the world make the mind of a man, make his intellect to decide this and this and this. So if people do what they know to be good, the knowledge of good is enough in the world for them to be really happy and really peaceful and really remarkably friendly and supportive to everyone.
KING: Does it also improve you from a health standpoint? A physical health standpoint?
MAHARISHI: Great amount of scientific research is there to show that health is better because transcendental meditation deals with consciousness, and consciousness is the basic value of all the physical expressions. The entire creation is the expression of consciousness.
So when we handle consciousness through our attention, the consciousness becomes awake. More awake, so more healthy.
So we see this transcendental meditation has very good effect on health. It's like the gardener watering the root of life and supplying nourishment to all the leaves and all the branches and everything.
KING: Let me get a break and come right back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. One of the great spiritual leaders in the world. Don't go away.
KING: We're back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. His famous book of years ago, "Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation." He's the founder of TM. There has been a new release and a newly revised version of that historic book.
Everyone got to know the Maharishi when the Beatles went to visit him. I -- by the way, Maharishi, I send the best to you from Paul McCartney, who I saw last week; and I told him I was going to be with you, and he wanted to wish you the best.
We know that your good friends George Harrison and John Lennon are gone. What do you believe happens upon death?
MAHARISHI: Death is just a -- it gives a new start for a new journey. In the process of evolution, the body lasts for some time and then will take other body and take other body and take other body until the final redemption from diversity is transcended.
The totality is found. This is the potential of life, cosmic potential of life, immortality in its field of counting it in terms of time. Immortality.
KING: Do we know what stage we're in?
MAHARISHI: Absolutely. From the Vedic astrology point of view. Vedic astrology -- the Jyotishis calculate the whole of life from the past, and they calculate the whole of life in future. This is the field of Yagya. And when they find some wrong, negative influence from sun, moon, star or wherever, they make some Yagya. Yagya is a name for a Vedic performance which can avert the danger.
The Vedic way of life rests on "avert the danger that has not come." Prevention. It uses the knowledge to prevent problems from coming on. The Yagya system is so powerful that those who get the Yagya done by the Vedic Pandits, they find the obstacles don't have to be faced. Sicknesses don't have to be faced. Wrong things don't have to be faced.
One can be the master of one's own destiny if one follows the Vedic way of life, which is life according to natural law, which can prevent disorders.
KING: What about, Maharishi, those who are the victims of evil who cannot determine their own life? They're in a building on September 11 and they're gone. They couldn't make any determination. TM didn't help them.
MAHARISHI: Everyone has to go sometime or the other. And the basic principle about going or surviving is that no one -- now listen to me -- no one is responsible for giving any difficulty or any pleasure to anyone.
Problems or successes, they all are the results of our own actions. Karma. The philosophy of action is that no one else is the giver of peace or happiness. One's own karma, one's own actions are responsible to come to bring either happiness or success or whatever.
KING: If someone treats me harshly, if someone shoots me or kills you or harms a baby, how was the victim a participant in that other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
MAHARISHI: He is the carrier of my (ph) own influence. As you sow, so shall you reap. It's a very old proverb of mankind. As you sow, so shall you reap.
Sometime you may have killed that man, and then sometime now he comes to kill you.
MAHARISHI: What we have done, the result of that comes to us whenever it comes, either today, tomorrow, hundred years later, hundred lives later, whatever, whatever.
And so, it's our own karma. That is why that philosophy in every religion: Killing is sin. Killing is sin in every religion. Whosoever sins, whoever is killed, it doesn't matter. It's a sin.
KING: Right.
MAHARISHI: And sin in the will of God is a punishable offense. Because when you sin, when you've killed some man, what you are killing? You are killing the cosmic potential within the individual.
Individual is cosmic. Individual potential of life is cosmic potential. Individual is divine deep inside. Transcendental experience awakens that divinity in man. And when you kill a man you deprive him of that birthright of it.
It is the right of everyone to rule the world, to dominate in whole nature of the universe. Master of the universe is every man's potential insight, cosmic potential. When you kill a man like that you deprive him from getting to his human right.
It's a human right...
KING: What a wonderful way to look at it.
MAHARISHI: ... to live divinity.
KING: Where, Maharishi, were you on September 11?
MAHARISHI: I heard about it wherever I was. I don't remember now, because I don't look back in time. I have no time to look back. I have only look forward, forward, forward.
And now I have come to a level of creating a world free from problems. There have been always wars, there have been always this negativity and all this, throughout world history. It's not one instance. It's not one instance. So many Hitlers were born. So many Alexanders were born, all those things (ph). And so many will continue to be born on earth.
But now I have come to create a situation in the world through about 40,000 Yogic Flyers in the world and Vedic performers, performers of Yagya in the world, and I am collecting them in India. And I invite everyone to send their donations for this purpose, which will deprive the world of negative trends in life. I want to eliminate the basis of problems and basis of crime, and basis of terrorism. That is my message now.
KING: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is our special guest on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. We'll be right back.
KING: We're back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of transcendental meditation, the author of "Science of Being and Art of Living," which explains transcendental meditation. That book, released many years ago, has been newly revised and updated.
How do you deal personally with sadness? George Harrison just died. I know he was a friend of yours. How do you deal when someone you love or like is gone?
MAHARISHI: It's human nature to like those whom you like, and when they go it's natural to be sad about them. But it is inevitable. It's inevitable.
When I found transcendental meditation has done good for so many, so many, then now I'm thinking for the last two, three years -- I'm thinking of nations as a whole. Want to make the destiny of every nation to be free from problems, to be free from suffering, to be free from sin. I'm establishing a government in the world which will disallow the sprouting of negativity in any country, in any country. Governments are a failure today. Absolutely every government is a failure because problems exist everywhere and every government is sovereign.
The word "sovereign" is a misnomer. Their sovereignty lies in not being able to give a problem-free administration to the people. I'm establishing a problem-free administration on the basis of the constitution of the universe.
The constitution of the universe is total natural law. Natural law, we say from the field of science. Will of God, we say from the field of religion. It's the same thing.
Natural law administers the infinite diversity of the universe. And I'm going to establish the government on the basis of this cosmic constitution of the universe. Cosmic constitution is a stable constitution.
Manmade constitution requires change every four years, five years. Election of the people. The whole thing is a fraudulent thing. Administration is a matter of expert intelligence.
KING: But how...
MAHARISHI: It shouldn't be exposed to voters on the street.
KING: How do you change a system of governments and nations and people who are opposed to one another, and presidents and kings and emperors and dictators, how do you change that?
MAHARISHI: I'll be establishing groups of people practicing Yogic Flying and Vedic Pandits performing the Yagyas, which will eliminate the negative influence on life on earth.
This is how my plan is to improve the quality of life on the world by minimizing the negative influences from the sun, moon, stars, and from everywhere, through (ph) those groups we'll be establishing. We'll be establishing groups in every country.
I have already this -- our organization teaching TM in all the countries and all the governments like it, because it has a better quality of life. Only we have to concentrate now with the help of each government, because no government wants chaos and problems and difficulties and crime in the country.
That is a very good thing. But because every government is governed by manmade constitutions, and manmade constitutions are full of human weaknesses and human failings, that is why I'm adopting the constitution of the universe, which is the will of God, high above everything.
Merciful nature of God, total value of natural law, which is profusely narrated and detailed in the Vedic literature. Ancient Vedic literature with all this total knowledge of natural law and the programs to eliminate any difficulty or problem that may be coming from anywhere.
We don't allow the problems. We create that shield. Protect ourselves. That is the Vedic way of life.
KING: Do you believe in perfection?
MAHARISHI: I am bringing perfection in life. It's not a matter of belief. I have the positive programs. I have the concrete programs to create perfection in life.
I want to create every government to be free from military. Military is a defeatist feature of a government. Government is not able to protect the nation, and therefore they engage the people -- give them food that you will die for other people.
The whole thing is absurd and inhuman. I want to create a global government. A global government.
I have created a country of global -- global country of world peace where no one would harm anyone. Where no one would do any wrong to anyone. The government will not need a military to protect itself because the principle is that any military is a big sinner. And the sin must come to the whole population.
KING: We'll take a break and come right back. The Maharishi's movement has its own political party called the Natural Law Party. It's in many, many countries.
We'll be right back.
KING: We're back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
How can you be so optimistic based on all the things you see wrong in the world?
MAHARISHI: Optimism comes from the so many scientific researches to prove that transcendental meditation, which I have taught for 40, 50 years in the world, works to create a better man.
In Fairfield, we have that management university. And the professors of the management university have found that the world is being managed badly. Governments are not competent to prevent problems, and therefore, higher intelligence is needed to enrich and support the present situation of every government.
Every government, as I said already, has a manmade constitution. And manmade constitutions have the value of human failings and human weaknesses. That is why constitutions are there and the government is there and the people are there and the laws are there. But those laws are futile. They are not able to prevent wrong.
The corruption has been there. All those -- crime has been there throughout the ages.
KING: But what...
MAHARISHI: Punishment has been there by government throughout the ages. But punishment and fear of death, hanging them in the jails and all that. That has been there, but crime continues.
Therefore, something else has to be done. And that something else I am going to do from the level of the Vedic wisdom of life, which proclaims man is divine. Man is all competent. Human potential is universal potential, universal capability.
So the concept of government has to be raised to that merciful, fatherly treatment of the population by the governments.
KING: Do you weep? Do you cry when someone you love dies?
MAHARISHI: There is no reason to cry, because I know the -- everyone has to go on and on, on the path of progress, path of
progress, path of progress. There is nothing to cry about something.
When the sun sets at the end of the day, one doesn't cry for the sun. It's happening, it's happening. The same sun that is setting is going to rise again and again, set and again rise and again set.
So one knows the progression of life. Now I am working on the possibility of collective destiny of the nation towards all good.
KING: What do you make of other modern conveniences? What do you make of television? Cell phones?
MAHARISHI: I'm using the television to have my message reach the people, and that is all.
KING: So you accept that progress goes on, and that we make progress in things like prescription drugs. Life gets better. We extend life.
All that is good, is it not?
MAHARISHI: Right, right. Anything that is helpful to life, anything that will save life from pains and suffering and all those difficulties, that is -- that is our intention, to have a better world created.
And for that, I am now working from the administrative level. I'm creating an ideal of administration where people will not make mistakes. And when they don't make mistakes, they don't create the reason for suffering for themselves.
So people should be saved from sinning, from killing each other, from this. This is our teaching. "Help thy neighbor" is a very old axiom of mankind. Help thy neighbor.
KING: The Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is probably the only law you need. Every other law fits it.
Why has mankind never done -- I mean, what you say makes sense, but mankind has never done it, never.
MAHARISHI: If man is told he is divine, he is almighty, powerful, when he is trained to have his thought come to materialization without much effort, everyone would go for it.
It's the education. It's the education.
If a man is a criminal, that is the defective administration that he has been raised in. It's a defective administration, cruel administration, away from the real potential of life which is, in the will of God, evolution, evolution, evolution.
KING: What part in all of this, Maharishi, does money play? There have been stories that you're the -- you're -- that you have started what is a multi-billion dollar business.
MAHARISHI: I lack only $1 billion to make the world a better world.
So many months ago, I had publicized in the American papers that $1 billion endowment fund will raise enough this Vedic Pandits to fly about. We want to engage 40,000 people on a permanent basis, and they will have enough intense influence of coherency in the world consciousness. And anybody who wants to have peace -- and everyone wants peace -- they were invited to donate.
But I realized later that I was talking to the -- this capitalist country. And capitalist country in their own fog. Unless they get something privately themselves, they'll not indulge into it.
So money has become prominent in a world of capitalism. That I realized when nobody sponsored for world peace, and everybody wants world peace. But they will not...
KING: Take part.
MAHARISHI: ... part with some of their huge billions and millions in the bank.
So I said, all right.
KING: Let me get a break and we'll come right back. We have two more segments left with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
His original book, "Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation" -- he's the founder of that movement -- has just been republished and newly revised and updated.
We'll be right back.
KING: We're back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He's coming to us from Vlodrop, Holland.
What is Yogic flying? MAHARISHI: Yogic flying is that level of creative intelligence in the self-referral consciousness that will materialize the intention. Whatever the intention, materialize the intention.
And what is this thing? This is the same creative intelligence from natural law that makes huge galactic universe float in the empty space.
Every galaxy -- huge weight galaxy, they are all flying in empty space. What is that?
It is the creative intelligence at the level of pure intelligence when pure intelligence in its self-referral, unified state assumes the role of fluctuations of waves, like that, like that, like that.
So the same law of nature is captured in the transcendental field of one's consciousness. And then with the thought that I should be in the air, the body lifts up, body lifts up.
KING: Are you saying, then, that man is capable of every -- man could fly if he had obtained this consciousness?
MAHARISHI: That has been proved -- how many times -- as many times as people are flying. Four, five million people are flying in their private values (ph). Now we want to have bigger groups.
And bigger groups have been found to create that worldwide influence. They influence the whole world consciousness towards positivity, towards harmony, towards higher values of intelligence.
That is why we have the proof. We have enough proof in the Vedic literature. And we have enough proof from the modern science that our teaching has that influence which will create a better world, means a positive world, a harmonious world.
That is why we want to have a global administration of natural law.
KING: Now...
MAHARISHI: We will not disturb the existing administration by manmade laws in any country. We are creating of our own government, which is utilizing natural law, which we have from modern science and which we have for effective Vedic science.
So we have enough ammunition to win the race.
KING: How do they learn more about this? They could buy the book, and the revised update of it. Is there someplace they can contact direct to get more information?
MAHARISHI: I have hundreds of centers for teaching transcendental meditation everywhere.
KING: Do you believe in a god? MAHARISHI: I believe in God. And I believe in the custody of God vested in kings. And I'm very happy to have your name as "King." It's the King!
KING: I'm a King.
MAHARISHI: I want to establish a government in every country that will support life in the country. This drama of four years, five years, change the government, change the government, is only useful to the foreign powers.
They think democracy -- I used to say "damn the democracy," because it's not a stable government. It's only useful for foreign powers. It's a bad thing for any nation to change the -- a man comes for four years, now he is the president. And then he goes to jail tomorrow -- here, there. Such inadequacy in the field of administration must create a very chaotic population in every country. And that is the situation in the world.
The whole field of education is very inadequate. It doesn't make the human physiology totally function. The medicine -- the field of medicine is very poisonous. It's full of inadequacies, and full of those what we call, all these negative things -- the side effects of modern medicine...
KING: Yes, but ...
MAHARISHI: ... huge. I have in my room -- I have in my room the whole height of a floor full of about 8,000 or 10,000 bad articles on modern medicine. But modern medicine continues, continues.
Those who are producing medicine, they are only producing because they get money. It doesn't matter if people die or suffer from any more diseases.
And the governments support it. Your own government (UNINTELLIGIBLE) I was hearing, is subject to so much of corruption. All this is because life is not taught to the boys in the younger age.
Education is very, very inadequate. The whole drama of science is a big fraud, everywhere. Hiroshima was created in the name of science.
Peace cannot be created in the name of science. No. Hiroshima can be created. Afghanistan can be created. And now Middle East can be created.
This is science. The whole thing is fraud. The whole thing is sinful. And the -- those who will get into that come to that realization. Sin -- killing is sin. Whosoever kills, it is sin, and the sinner will go to hell.
KING: We'll take a break and come back with our remaining moments with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, right after these words.
KING: In our remaining moments with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, let's talk about yourself.
Do you have a family?
MAHARISHI: The world is my family. I count them...
KING: You have no children of your own?
MAHARISHI: That is what a family means -- all the children of the world.
KING: I know, but I'm just asking if you have children from your loins.
MAHARISHI: I am a single person. I'm a Purusha. I'm a -- what do you call it -- Sanyasi, if you understand the word. I'm a monk, if you understand it...
KING: You're a bachelor.
MAHARISHI: ... monk.
KING: Do you have special diets that you eat?
MAHARISHI: I think that diet that I eat, everyone eats the same thing -- some rice, some dal, some chapatis, something vegetables. But I like this organic, organic. I recommend to people organic agriculture -- Vedic organic agriculture. Huge amount of scientific research has shown that with the Vedic hymns, with the Vedic melodies, the nutrients grow in the trees very much in the fruits, in the crops, in the vegetables.
So that is why -- what I am promoting in the world.
KING: How old are you?
MAHARISHI: I have almost forgotten when I was born. I was told before.
MAHARISHI: I never look back. In my habit, I never looked back. I never looked back.
KING: Are you in good health?
MAHARISHI: I am in fairly good health. Yes, yes, fairly good health.
KING: Do you go to doctors?
MAHARISHI: Doctors come to me even before calling them. They like to see me year after year the same way, like that, like that.But the main thing is not so important what I am. What is important is my program for the world, that the world will be a better world. It will be free from sins. Governments will be preventive administrations in the world. That is important.
I'm not important for the world. I'm here for some time, gone. And everyone will finish the whole story.
But I have promoted a program which is practical, positive and simple for every individual...
KING: Where...
MAHARISHI: ... and for every nation.
KING: ... where did you learn it?
MAHARISHI: I learned it from my master. I address him as His Divinity, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, in the Himalayas in India. And that I hold to be the tradition of Vedic masters.
And that I came to teach in the world, and I felt successful results on the individuals, and now I am going to have successful results on the basis of nations -- nations.
National governments everywhere, whatever they are now, I think they are groping in darkness. And I have the lamp. I put the lamp, and the light from the lamp will illuminate all their darknesses.
My nature is not to fight. I give the message, I give the experience, and people take it, and more people take it. And now, I'll have a government.
I've created a government, and created the head of this government -- a great scientist, Dr. Nader Raja Raam. He is MD, PhD.
He has researched in the human physiology that the whole human physiology is the expression of the underlying field of consciousness, the same way as physics has discovered self-referral quantum field as the field of consciousness -- self-referral.
On that basis of the realization or the discovery of the ultimate field, I'm going to create a world of that profundity of perfection which belongs to the perfection of the government of nature.
KING: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi from Vlodrop, Holland.
His book has been newly revised and updated, the version of the original book of many years ago: "Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation."
Optimistic? You bet.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Good night.
KING: Can you explain what happens when you pray? What do you do? Who are you talking to? Are you asking for something?
BILLY GRAHAM, CHRISTIAN EVANGELIST: I believe that -- no. I believe that the greatest form of prayer is praise to God. We have to praise him, because he is the mighty power back of this vast universe.
Even Hubble hasn't found yet the end of this universe. And we don't know that it has an end.
But back of all that is a supernatural being that we call God. And if I know God personally, as I believe I do, that is so overwhelming, I -- there's no way to conceive it, no way for me to think about it. It's so beyond me.
So that's the reason I have to come by faith and believe it.
(END VIDEO CLIP) Found on Cnn transcript chanel.
The JAMA Caper
Chopra was at the center of a controversy in 1991, when JAMA(Journal of the American Medical Association) published an article entitled "Letter From New Delhi: Maharishi Ayur-Veda: Modern Insights Into Ancient Medicine," by Hari Sharma, Brihaspati Dev Triguna, and Chopra (Ref. 2). The article describes traditional Ayurvedic medicine, and then defines "Maharishi Ayur-Veda" as "a modern revival, taking into account all of these approaches in accordance with the classical texts...under the direction of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in collaboration with leading Ayurvedic physicians." Included in the article are discussions of the benefits of TM and results of scientific investigations of Ayurvedic herbal remedies.
A later issue included numerous letters (Ref. 3) both favorable to and critical of the article, a reply from Sharma and Chopra(Ref. 4), and a "Medical News & Perspectives" report (Ref. 5). Because JAMA has a policy concerning disclosure of financial interests for authors of articles and letters, we can learn that the authors of the favorable letters all were involved in the practice of ayurvedic medicine or TM, some with direct connections to the Maharishi's enterprises. Among the critical letters:
Patrick Ryan, a former member of the TM organization and now"an educational consultant in the field of cult exit counseling," stated, "The article has factual errors and, by omission, paints a false picture of a rather unscrupulous organization. Most references cited are generated by the Transcendental Meditation (TM) 'movement.' Professional critiques of TM research state that 'the scientific research is without objectivity, and at times, simply untrue,' and it is 'deliberately contrived to mislead the public.'...Drs. Chopra and Triguna offer Maharishi Ayur-Veda services for a fee. By failing to cite the contraindications(problems with headaches, insomnia, concentration, gastrointestinal upset, hallucinations, anxiety, depression, and destruction of personality) of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, the authors violate the ethics of informed consent."
Gordon White, another former member of the TM movement, provided additional criticisms of the alleged benefits of TM, with some literature references.
Wallace Sampson, MD, who is board chairman of the National Council AYURVEDA Against Health Fraud, noted that the article contained "a collection of dubious results of 'pulse diagnosis' and herbal and dietary treatments...Although some of the results have been published, they have not been validated by independent observers. They are inconsistent with scientific knowledge and method." Similarly, Tim Gorski, MD asked "Where is their double-blind controlled study, for instance, wherein it is shown that Ayurvedic practitioners can accurately 'diagnose diseases...such as diabetes, neoplastic disease, musculoskeletal diseases, and asthma' by palpation of the radial pulse? Just think of all the laboratory analyses, surgery, x-rays and spirometry that could be dispensed with if they could prove such claims!"
John Patterson, PhD (Iowa State University) (whom some readers may know for his activities in dealing with creationism), noted that "The TM movement is to Hinduism what the Creation Science movement is to Christianity - an aberration. Both are best viewed as religion in the guise of science."
Kevin Garvey, a "counselor and legal consultant on cases stemming from TM's abuses" wrote, "The line describing mind as 'a physical expression of the self-interacting dynamics of an underlying abstract field of intelligence,' and which emphasizes this as a principle, fails to identify its theological import. This is, however, a reference to Hinduism's concept of Maya(matter is an illusion), Maya's integral relation to Monism (all things are made of one substance), and the belief that this substance is spirit. Transcendental Meditation Ayur-Veda defies all medical knowledge because it accepts the archaic belief that disease is the result of assault by female demons! This bit of truth, of course, is not acknowledged to Western audiences."
Most of the reply by the authors (Ref. 4) dealt with the evidence concerning the beneficial effects of TM. In response to Gorski, they referred him "to the references in the original article," but the only reference to pulse diagnosis was not to the conventional medical literature but rather to a book published in India entitled The Essence of Pulse Diagnosis. They did not respond to comments by Garvey and Sampson.
The report included in the same issue, written by associate editor Andrew Skolnick, was entitled "Maharishi Ayur-Veda: Guru's Marketing Scheme Promises the World Eternal 'Perfect Health'" [5]. Skolnick also wrote a report on the episode ("The Maharishi Caper: JAMA Hoodwinked (But Just for a While)") which appeared in the Skeptical Inquirer (Ref. 6). A further note concerning the affair appeared later (Ref. 7).
One of the major points of Skolnick is that despite indicating on a financial disclosure form that they were not affiliated with any organization that could profit from the publication of their article, the authors "were intimately involved with the complex network of organizations that promote and sell the products and services about which they wrote. They misrepresented Maharishi Ayur-Veda as India's ancient system of healing, rather than what it is: a trademark line of 'alternative health' products and services marketed since 1985 by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi..." (Ref. 6, p. 255).
Introduction to Meditation, the first meeting.
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I will speak for the first time of meditation, warning that it is a practice totally disconnected from any belief or religion. (Transcription by Roberta Palmerini).
Meanwhile, why should you meditate? Who can find two points of time throughout the day to meditate, sit in a place that is free from excessive noise, and implement a seated meditation practice, which requires at least m'ezzora, two times a day?
Meditation is not a unitary practice, although some argue that any kind of meditation to end follows the same result, are among those who believe that depending on the type of meditation you practice, will assign different physiological effects. In any case, it is true that every technique and practice of meditation, when well done, leads to a sense of calm and inner silence, absence of distractions of the mind and thought, that even if they were the only achievements, would be worth the well worth starting to meditate.
There are meditations that require adherence to a belief system, while others are more independent, they constitute actual techniques to be acquired in two different modes: training and immediate enlightenment.
Personally, I was well started at the Osho Dynamic Meditation, which now practical for almost 20 years and this technique incorporates a series of postures, expressive movements and breathing practice that rely on the absolute spontaneity of the body and mind, that at least in first phase, are left free to oscillate and channeling their energy in each direction, before starting to direct such energy in an orderly flow.
If you want to get an idea of the MD of Osho, you can search for videos on YouTube or in the right sidebar of this blog: I feel that meditation is an absolute experience, so it can not be described or understood at all as long as one does not try .
Here I'll show you a video of a good level of what I call a "trained meditation practice," meaning that everything is so precise, so right and perfect, that it seems almost unreal, and in fact it is not. See video below.
Osho Dynamic Meditation and all else I guarantee you, since I was there and I was not alone. The time of oscillation of the body was often induced a trance, where only after a preparation of many minutes you began unloading vibration. I've seen people practically move like a rabbit, more like a deer, jump like kangaroos or other grasshoppers, but I remember a beautiful gray emerald-eyed girl, who seemed to undulate, floating like a rattlesnake: impressed me the ability to also to balance on one foot, or on his heels, a thing never seen again. The energy must be discharged and allowed to flow through movements usually does not completely controlled.
This is pretty much the essence of Tantra, release energy without download it only sexual act. But Osho said that was fine too, if needed to get the right flow of energy. MD was fine, but a free expression of the body, as well as the sexual act, if done with awareness of the energy that is involved and exchanged with the partner. Otherwise, all these practices become the dances, movements of body language and sexual acts group. Nothing wrong with that, but then why talk about meditation?
When friends ask me what to start practicing meditation technique, I usually reply, in the absence of preferences, Transcendental Meditation, MT Maharishi, who died three years ago, known in the West because it was contacted by the Beatles and other artists.
I state that Maharishi and his new companion Dr. Chopra is the center of a veritable industry, among other things, the TM is a registered trademark in the U.S. but not in Europe, and that the articles on their methods were the focus in 1991 of a major controversy with the prestigious medical journal JAMA, which claimed with reason that the two were not independent persons, being involved with the practices and trademarks in question, I must also point out that meditation based on the repetition of words or sounds is one of the the most ancient practices of the world and all over India. Ultimately, the TM is set up as a new edition to the Western world of an ancient Indian practice and beyond. Therefore, with the TM mean a practice that goes back to the use of a mantra, but not alone and you can see what I do personally shortly. Add that to create an industry based on cultural practices and traditional for me is the sign of something that is not working as it should. (Maharishi in his quarters 80 kg of gold and huge sums of money, you see.)
The MT has some advantages compared to other techniques, but there are two aspects that characterize it:
it is a pure mental technique that does not require any religion,
is based on a very simple principle, centered on the repetition of a word, that you either verbally or only internally,
is the only form of meditation that has a number of scientific studies on its effects in the medium and long term on the individual.
's start by saying how you practice MT, of which I have become a good practitioner. Meanwhile, we must have in a mental state of calm and tranquility, in a room or outdoors, does not change and does not change if the theoretically perform in the middle of a street full of traffic and chaos. In any case, I run twice a day, the first at home, the second in the small garden surrounding the house where I live, preferably under a small olive tree, sitting on a gym mat.
E 'should make sure that once started, no one is to interrupt or disturb, since scombinerebbe our mental attitude.
practice is the natural temperature of the environment, ie without heating or air conditioning. And 'good use of incense or perfume that you love, because the perfumes directly affect the brain and alter the emotional state (rinoencefalo), helping to achieve relaxation and mental detachment. Posture to take is of paramount importance not meditate lying down or standing just sitting, preferably in the cross-legged position that is the Lotus or otherwise with legs half-crossed, known as the half lotus (apart from the Osho Dynamic Meditation , which instead practice a physical movement, due to the influence Sufis).
Fundamental is to maintain colonnna back fully upright and lying flat, possibly poggiandola to a vertical support (wall, tree, chair). The reason lies in the fact that during meditation there must be free flow of energy in 72 000 channels of the body which can be identified with the nervous system.
Last, the arms should be facing forward, the biceps must be addressed in forward and this is obtained by rotating the hands upwards, ie towards the palmar surface. This position is the only one to 7 thousand years the Vedas recommend keeping while reciting prayers and meditate. The reason is that the chest tends to be more open and thus promote its extension.
Let me explain what I do, keeping in mind that my practice does not comply with MT alone, but is a mixture of different techniques, with the years I have cropped and adjusted to my mind-body.
Assumed the position that I told you, I begin to breathe more slowly and with greater depth, applying the principle of channeling prana, starting to breathe in through the left nostril and alternating in this way until it terminates with the exhalation with the root right, using the thumb and forefinger of both hands alternate, to close the nostrils. Typically start with a formula of 3:12:6 to 4:16:8 achieve, which means that breathing in air for 3 seconds, hold back with the diaphragm well abbbassato and abdomen relaxed for 12 seconds and inspiro for 6 seconds.
Meanwhile this mode of breathing encourages the phenomenon of mental emptiness, you will notice that thoughts begin to thin out a little, and as it continues and deepens with alternate breathing of Pranayama, the mind is emptied more and more of his thoughts.
About ten minutes of this breathing, you stop and you begin to breathe freely by flushing the flow of thoughts freely, but more distantly, as mere observers of a film on the screen.
Following additional minutes spent to become witnesses of our thoughts posted and emotions, we are ready to begin to resonate with the mantra, the word that is used to drive the vibration of the mind in a more symmetrical and orderly. After a while, the mantra fills up the goals and dissolves its normal states of consciousness, revealing a transcendent Self, namely that transcends matter, the body's thoughts and ultimately our own ego.
phenomena emerge in this state details, such as the perception of odor, the spontaneous display of mental objects (pictures and small movies in slow motion), perceptions of colors and scents combined. This happens because our brain is continuing to produce its own spontaneous activity, no longer connected to the environment, are the nerve cells that maintain their own activities, even in the absence of a critical mind, a direction of thoughts and emotions.
In this state, which may last from several minutes to several hours in subjects trained the brain enters a particular state of activity similar to wakefulness but also to that of the deeper states of relaxation and research done by now are well known to physicians and researchers. It is a state of consciousness of great physical and mental recovery, which allows a significant detoxification of the entire body and can replace sleep.
Generally Meditation is a training that is acquired over time, but often people say entering all of a sudden, in the blink of an eye in the state I have described, and this depends on the individual characteristics and other factors that are not well known. In general, friends and friends who come to me, I prefer to speak of meditation as a state to be achieved through the proper motivation and adequate training following a series of prior knowledge of what it is and what it produces, always keeping in mind just trying to understand what it is for each of us.
Meditation works on a quantum level, in the sense that it is a state of activity of the nervous system that either follows or not, there is no middle ground: as you face a training and learning practice, unlike hypnosis and self-hypnosis, meditation does not correspond to different levels of depth and therefore of quality. No, says the principle of all or nothing.
Personally, I became interested in hypnosis and self-hypnosis about 30 years ago, I underwent a real training to learn self-hypnosis, noting that the method of induction and the depth trance, they were always deeper, as I continued to practice it. But when I began to be introduced to Dynamic Meditation, I was completely blown away: I realized that there was no training, and this caused me great difficulty. I tried and riprovavo conseguivo but no change of state of consciousness. One day the teacher called me aside and told me simply "Give up", let go, surrender meditation, do nothing, let the mind float where it wants to, not hinder anything, just continues to be aware of the present moment by moment and continues to maintain your position or asana, sooner or later, the event will happen on its own when you least expect it.
The day it happened, I have not forgotten, I seemed to start to float, I saw the ground beneath me and the sky above me as if they were practically upside down, I remember that I felt a sort of sublime terror, and then I realized why.
, our brain does not tolerate his mind, that is the element that emerges consciousness, it is virtually set aside, is this is what meditation, literally throws the mind, the ego, in a corner, and that means that the brain does not result in a more mental activity with which to identify. In meditation there are no dreams, no sleep, there is no activity of thought as we know it normally, but rather emerge feelings, perceptions, emotional states, which together represent a different dimension of consciousness, where ego is replacing a transcendent self (that goes beyond just the physical and the mind itself.)
To understand how many years it has been a mess of good practices Osho, you can watch this video, and I warn you friends, that in the world of this stuff absolutely vulgarized and community of practice of meditation Osho it is a huge amount.
Hier werde ich Ihnen zeigen, ein Video von einem guten Niveau, was ich nennen "trainiert Meditationspraxis", was bedeutet, dass alles so präzise, so richtig und perfekt, dass es fast unwirklich scheint, und in der Tat ist es nicht. Siehe Video unten.
Osho Dynamische Meditation und alles andere Ich garantiere Ihnen, da ich dort war und ich war nicht allein.Die Zeit der Schwingung des Körpers wurde oft eine Trance, wo erst nach einer Herstellung vieler Minuten begann Entladen Vibrationen induziert. Ich habe Leute gesehen praktisch wie ein Kaninchen zu bewegen, mehr wie ein Reh, wie Kängurus oder andere Heuschrecken springen, aber ich erinnere mich an einen schönen grauen emerald-eyed girl, die sich wellenförmig schien, schwimmt wie eine Klapperschlange: beeindruckte mich die Möglichkeit, auch auf einem Fuß oder auf seinen Fersen auszugleichen, ein Ding nie wieder gesehen.Die Energie muss entladen werden und dürfen durch Bewegungen in der Regel nicht vollständig kontrolliert fließen.
Das ist so ziemlich die Essenz des Tantra, Energie freisetzen, ohne Download nur sexuelle Handlung. Aber Osho sagte, das sei auch in Ordnung, wenn nötig, den richtigen Fluss der Energie zu bekommen. MD war in Ordnung, aber ein freier Ausdruck des Körpers, sowie den sexuellen Akt., Wenn mit dem Bewusstsein der Energie, die beteiligt ist getan und tauschten mit dem Partner Andernfalls werden all diese Praktiken die Tänze, Bewegungen der Körpersprache und sexuelle Handlungen Gruppe. Nichts falsch mit, aber warum dann reden Meditation?
I state that Maharishi and his new companion Dr. Chopra is the center of a veritable industry, among other things, the TM is a registered trademark in the U.S. but not in Europe, and that the articles on their methods were the focus in 1991 of a major controversy with the prestigious medical journal JAMA, which claimed with reason that the two were not independent persons, being involved with the practices and trademarks in question, I must also point out that meditation based on the repetition of words or sounds is one of the the most ancient practices of the world and all over India. Ultimately, the TM is set up as a new edition to the Western world of an ancient Indian practice and beyond. Therefore, with the TM mean a practice that goes back to the use of a mantra, but not alone and you can see what I do personally shortly. Add that to create an industry based on cultural practices and traditional for me is the sign of something that is not working as it should. (Maharishi in his quarters 80 kg of gold and huge sums of money, you see.)
The MT has some advantages compared to other techniques, but there are two aspects that characterize it:
it is a pure mental technique that does not require any religion,
is based on a very simple principle, centered on the repetition of a word, that you either verbally or only internally,
is the only form of meditation that has a number of scientific studies on its effects in the medium and long term on the individual.
's start by saying how you practice MT, of which I have become a good practitioner. Meanwhile, we must have in a mental state of calm and tranquility, in a room or outdoors, does not change and does not change if the theoretically perform in the middle of a street full of traffic and chaos. In any case, I run twice a day, the first at home, the second in the small garden surrounding the house where I live, preferably under a small olive tree, sitting on a gym mat.
E 'should make sure that once started, no one is to interrupt or disturb, since scombinerebbe our mental attitude.
practice is the natural temperature of the environment, ie without heating or air conditioning. And 'good use of incense or perfume that you love, because the perfumes directly affect the brain and alter the emotional state (rinoencefalo), helping to achieve relaxation and mental detachment. Posture to take is of paramount importance not meditate lying down or standing just sitting, preferably in the cross-legged position that is the Lotus or otherwise with legs half-crossed, known as the half lotus (apart from the Osho Dynamic Meditation , which instead practice a physical movement, due to the influence Sufis).
Fundamental is to maintain colonnna back fully upright and lying flat, possibly poggiandola to a vertical support (wall, tree, chair). The reason lies in the fact that during meditation there must be free flow of energy in 72 000 channels of the body which can be identified with the nervous system.
Last, the arms should be facing forward, the biceps must be addressed in forward and this is obtained by rotating the hands upwards, ie towards the palmar surface. This position is the only one to 7 thousand years the Vedas recommend keeping while reciting prayers and meditate. The reason is that the chest tends to be more open and thus promote its extension.
Let me explain what I do, keeping in mind that my practice does not comply with MT alone, but is a mixture of different techniques, with the years I have cropped and adjusted to my mind-body.
Assumed the position that I told you, I begin to breathe more slowly and with greater depth, applying the principle of channeling prana, starting to breathe in through the left nostril and alternating in this way until it terminates with the exhalation with the root right, using the thumb and forefinger of both hands alternate, to close the nostrils. Typically start with a formula of 3:12:6 to 4:16:8 achieve, which means that breathing in air for 3 seconds, hold back with the diaphragm well abbbassato and abdomen relaxed for 12 seconds and inspiro for 6 seconds.
Meanwhile this mode of breathing encourages the phenomenon of mental emptiness, you will notice that thoughts begin to thin out a little, and as it continues and deepens with alternate breathing of Pranayama, the mind is emptied more and more of his thoughts.
About ten minutes of this breathing, you stop and you begin to breathe freely by flushing the flow of thoughts freely, but more distantly, as mere observers of a film on the screen.
Following additional minutes spent to become witnesses of our thoughts posted and emotions, we are ready to begin to resonate with the mantra, the word that is used to drive the vibration of the mind in a more symmetrical and orderly. After a while, the mantra fills up the goals and dissolves its normal states of consciousness, revealing a transcendent Self, namely that transcends matter, the body's thoughts and ultimately our own ego.
phenomena emerge in this state details, such as the perception of odor, the spontaneous display of mental objects (pictures and small movies in slow motion), perceptions of colors and scents combined. This happens because our brain is continuing to produce its own spontaneous activity, no longer connected to the environment, are the nerve cells that maintain their own activities, even in the absence of a critical mind, a direction of thoughts and emotions.
In this state, which may last from several minutes to several hours in subjects trained the brain enters a particular state of activity similar to wakefulness but also to that of the deeper states of relaxation and research done by now are well known to physicians and researchers. It is a state of consciousness of great physical and mental recovery, which allows a significant detoxification of the entire body and can replace sleep.
Generally Meditation is a training that is acquired over time, but often people say entering all of a sudden, in the blink of an eye in the state I have described, and this depends on the individual characteristics and other factors that are not well known. In general, friends and friends who come to me, I prefer to speak of meditation as a state to be achieved through the proper motivation and adequate training following a series of prior knowledge of what it is and what it produces, always keeping in mind just trying to understand what it is for each of us.
Meditation works on a quantum level, in the sense that it is a state of activity of the nervous system that either follows or not, there is no middle ground: as you face a training and learning practice, unlike hypnosis and self-hypnosis, meditation does not correspond to different levels of depth and therefore of quality. No, says the principle of all or nothing.
Personally, I became interested in hypnosis and self-hypnosis about 30 years ago, I underwent a real training to learn self-hypnosis, noting that the method of induction and the depth trance, they were always deeper, as I continued to practice it. But when I began to be introduced to Dynamic Meditation, I was completely blown away: I realized that there was no training, and this caused me great difficulty. I tried and riprovavo conseguivo but no change of state of consciousness. One day the teacher called me aside and told me simply "Give up", let go, surrender meditation, do nothing, let the mind float where it wants to, not hinder anything, just continues to be aware of the present moment by moment and continues to maintain your position or asana, sooner or later, the event will happen on its own when you least expect it.
The day it happened, I have not forgotten, I seemed to start to float, I saw the ground beneath me and the sky above me as if they were practically upside down, I remember that I felt a sort of sublime terror, and then I realized why.
, our brain does not tolerate his mind, that is the element that emerges consciousness, it is virtually set aside, is this is what meditation, literally throws the mind, the ego, in a corner, and that means that the brain does not result in a more mental activity with which to identify. In meditation there are no dreams, no sleep, there is no activity of thought as we know it normally, but rather emerge feelings, perceptions, emotional states, which together represent a different dimension of consciousness, where ego is replacing a transcendent self (that goes beyond just the physical and the mind itself.)
To understand how many years it has been a mess of good practices Osho, you can watch this video, and I warn you friends, that in the world of this stuff absolutely vulgarized and community of practice of meditation Osho it is a huge amount.
It is true that these people do not usually try to marciarci on, making money, unlike the MT Maharishi, but remember friends: meditation requires practice at least initially and for many months, completely individual and community and mass.
Doing form of fine companies, which could meet the sole purpose of being in the company, do a bit of body expression, which is always good, but did not bring up the magic word: meditation, which as I explained in a previous article, must be interpreted as a conscious activity of deprogramming MENTAL against Brain Washing daily. In addition, the meditator enters a resonance of thought and emotions that can not be inconsistent.
A elementary school teacher after the first three months of meditation which had resorted to my advice to start and continue on its way, one day I called, and firm tone and firm told me that the end of the month it would no longer the teacher. I looked into her eyes and said nothing, but we both had caught the reflection of the eyes of each other.
Meditation means becoming observant with the mind's eye, observers are aware, awareness implies an expansion of the self at the expense of the ego, and this implies further expansion of Consciousness.
As a result, we are no longer the same as before, now our mind, our thoughts, our emotions follow a vibration of extreme consistency and if something is wrong with us, we become immediately aware and we can take the steps that we believe can addattarci to greater internal consistency. Inner world and the outer world are approaching, the very large becomes equal to the very small, the details disappear.
When you start to meditate, you're going to get into this vibration of consistency, and then, you can not continue to work which now received all the contradictions, either the teacher or the bank or the post office messenger.From that moment you have embarked on a road of no return, and are joined with a greater flow of universal intelligence, which is why it is said that the inner world and the outer world practically coincide.
Setting out to make ballets together, it is a good practice to socialize and of ataraxia collective, orgiastic or not, but it certainly has nothing to do with starting a process of inner search that makes use of a technique and meditation practice, both the MD of Osho, that TM Maharishi, which usually recommend it as technique of choice for its ease of approach.
course, meditation involves adapting our Mind-Body (Consciousness) the technique, but also adapt the technique to our MB, as in the practical training with the MT, as amended with Pranayama and other breathing, also can be combined, when already confident, MT to body movement, such as the Sufi tradition, modifying and adapting freely to his own being. Move in a circle like the peacock, while echoes mentally the mantra can lead to incredible heights, close to the experience of Samadi or Nirvana, if you prefer (our old idea of Ecstasy).
Hello and see you next time.
Doing form of fine companies, which could meet the sole purpose of being in the company, do a bit of body expression, which is always good, but did not bring up the magic word: meditation, which as I explained in a previous article, must be interpreted as a conscious activity of deprogramming MENTAL against Brain Washing daily. In addition, the meditator enters a resonance of thought and emotions that can not be inconsistent.
A elementary school teacher after the first three months of meditation which had resorted to my advice to start and continue on its way, one day I called, and firm tone and firm told me that the end of the month it would no longer the teacher. I looked into her eyes and said nothing, but we both had caught the reflection of the eyes of each other.
Meditation means becoming observant with the mind's eye, observers are aware, awareness implies an expansion of the self at the expense of the ego, and this implies further expansion of Consciousness.
As a result, we are no longer the same as before, now our mind, our thoughts, our emotions follow a vibration of extreme consistency and if something is wrong with us, we become immediately aware and we can take the steps that we believe can addattarci to greater internal consistency. Inner world and the outer world are approaching, the very large becomes equal to the very small, the details disappear.
When you start to meditate, you're going to get into this vibration of consistency, and then, you can not continue to work which now received all the contradictions, either the teacher or the bank or the post office messenger.From that moment you have embarked on a road of no return, and are joined with a greater flow of universal intelligence, which is why it is said that the inner world and the outer world practically coincide.
Setting out to make ballets together, it is a good practice to socialize and of ataraxia collective, orgiastic or not, but it certainly has nothing to do with starting a process of inner search that makes use of a technique and meditation practice, both the MD of Osho, that TM Maharishi, which usually recommend it as technique of choice for its ease of approach.
course, meditation involves adapting our Mind-Body (Consciousness) the technique, but also adapt the technique to our MB, as in the practical training with the MT, as amended with Pranayama and other breathing, also can be combined, when already confident, MT to body movement, such as the Sufi tradition, modifying and adapting freely to his own being. Move in a circle like the peacock, while echoes mentally the mantra can lead to incredible heights, close to the experience of Samadi or Nirvana, if you prefer (our old idea of Ecstasy).
Hello and see you next time.
Einführung in die Meditation, bei der ersten Sitzung Meditation Centre Versilia.
Meine Damen und Herren, heute Abend werde ich zum ersten Mal von Meditation sprechen, warnen davor, dass es eine Praxis völlig von jedem Glauben oder der Religion getrennt ist. (Transkription von
von Roberta Palmerini).
von Roberta Palmerini).
Inzwischen, warum sollten Sie meditieren? Wer findet zwei Zeitpunkten im Laufe des Tages zu meditieren, sitzen in einem Ort, der frei von übermäßigem Lärm ist, und Umsetzung eines sitzenden Meditationspraxis, die mindestens m'ezzora, zwei Mal am Tag benötigt?
Meditation ist nicht eine einheitliche Praxis, auch wenn einige argumentieren, dass jede Art von Meditation zu Ende das gleiche Ergebnis folgt, gehören diejenigen, die abhängig von der Art der Meditation der Praxis werden verschiedene physiologische Effekte zuweisen glauben. In jedem Fall ist es wahr, dass jede Technik und Praxis der Meditation, wenn gut gemacht, führt zu einem Gefühl der Ruhe und innere Stille, das Fehlen von Ablenkungen des Geistes und dachte, dass, selbst wenn sie die einzigen Leistungen, würde wert sein lohnt beginnen zu meditieren.
Es gibt Meditationen, die Einhaltung einer Glaubenssystem erfordern, während andere mehr unabhängig sind, sie tatsächlich Techniken, um in zwei verschiedenen Modi erworben werden bilden:. Schulungen und sofortige Erleuchtung
Ich persönlich war auch an der Osho Dynamische Meditation, die jetzt praktisch für fast 20 Jahren begonnen und diese Technik umfasst eine Reihe von Haltungen, expressive Bewegungen und Atemübungen, die auf der absoluten Spontaneität der Körper und Geist verlassen, dass zumindest in ersten Phase werden nach links frei schwingen und Kanalisierung ihre Energie in jede Richtung, bevor eine solche Energie in einem geordneten Ablauf zu lenken.
Wenn Sie eine Vorstellung von der MD von Osho erhalten möchten, können Sie Videos auf YouTube oder in der rechten Seitenleiste dieses Blogs suchen: Ich fühle, dass Meditation eine absolute Erfahrung ist, so kann es nicht beschreiben oder überhaupt so lange zu verstehen, wie man nicht versuchen, .
Hier werde ich Ihnen zeigen, ein Video von einem guten Niveau, was ich nennen "trainiert Meditationspraxis", was bedeutet, dass alles so präzise, so richtig und perfekt, dass es fast unwirklich scheint, und in der Tat ist es nicht. Siehe Video unten.
Osho Dynamische Meditation und alles andere Ich garantiere Ihnen, da ich dort war und ich war nicht allein.Die Zeit der Schwingung des Körpers wurde oft eine Trance, wo erst nach einer Herstellung vieler Minuten begann Entladen Vibrationen induziert. Ich habe Leute gesehen praktisch wie ein Kaninchen zu bewegen, mehr wie ein Reh, wie Kängurus oder andere Heuschrecken springen, aber ich erinnere mich an einen schönen grauen emerald-eyed girl, die sich wellenförmig schien, schwimmt wie eine Klapperschlange: beeindruckte mich die Möglichkeit, auch auf einem Fuß oder auf seinen Fersen auszugleichen, ein Ding nie wieder gesehen.Die Energie muss entladen werden und dürfen durch Bewegungen in der Regel nicht vollständig kontrolliert fließen.
Das ist so ziemlich die Essenz des Tantra, Energie freisetzen, ohne Download nur sexuelle Handlung. Aber Osho sagte, das sei auch in Ordnung, wenn nötig, den richtigen Fluss der Energie zu bekommen. MD war in Ordnung, aber ein freier Ausdruck des Körpers, sowie den sexuellen Akt., Wenn mit dem Bewusstsein der Energie, die beteiligt ist getan und tauschten mit dem Partner Andernfalls werden all diese Praktiken die Tänze, Bewegungen der Körpersprache und sexuelle Handlungen Gruppe. Nichts falsch mit, aber warum dann reden Meditation?
Wenn Freunde mich fragen, was zu üben Meditationstechnik, ich in der Regel antworten, in der Abwesenheit von Präferenzen, Transzendentale Meditation, MT Maharishi, der vor drei Jahren im Westen bekannt ist gestorben, weil es von den Beatles und anderen Künstlern kontaktiert wurde.
Ich behaupte, dass Maharishi und seine neue Begleiterin Dr. Chopra das Zentrum einer regelrechten Industrie, unter anderem ist die TM ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen in den USA, aber nicht in Europa, und dass die Artikel auf ihrer Methoden waren der Schwerpunkt in 1991 einer großen Kontroverse mit dem renommierten medizinischen Fachzeitschrift JAMA, die mit Vernunft behauptet, dass die beiden nicht unabhängig waren Personen, die mit den Praktiken und Marken in Frage beteiligt, muss ich auch darauf hinweisen, dass Meditation über die Wiederholungen von Wörtern oder Klängen basiert ist einer der die ältesten Praktiken der Welt und in ganz Indien. Letztlich wird die TM als eine Neuauflage der westlichen Welt eines alten indischen Praxis und darüber hinaus gesetzt. Daher ist bei der TM bedeuten, eine Praxis, die zurück geht auf die Verwendung eines Mantras, aber nicht allein und Sie können sehen, was ich persönlich tun Kürze. Hinzufügen, dass eine Branche auf kulturelle Praktiken und traditionelle ist für mich das Zeichen von etwas, das nicht funktioniert, wie es sollte zu erstellen. (. Maharishi in seinem Quartier 80 kg Gold und Unsummen von Geld, sehen Sie)
Das MT hat einige Vorteile im Vergleich zu anderen Techniken, aber es gibt zwei Aspekte, die es charakterisieren:
es ist eine rein geistige Technik, die nicht benötigt keine Religion,
basiert auf einem sehr einfachen Prinzip, auf die Wiederholung eines Wortes zentriert, dass Sie entweder verbal oder nur intern, basierend
ist die einzige Form der Meditation, die eine Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Studien hat auf seiner Auswirkungen im mittel-und langfristig auf das Individuum.
's sagen, wie Sie die Praxis MT, von denen ich ein guter Arzt zu beginnen. In der Zwischenzeit müssen wir uns in einem mentalen Zustand der Ruhe und Beschaulichkeit haben, in einem Raum oder im Freien, nicht ändert und nicht ändern, wenn die theoretisch in der Mitte einer Straße voller Verkehr und Chaos führen. Auf jeden Fall, ich laufe zweimal am Tag, das erste zu Hause, das zweite in dem kleinen Garten rund um das Haus, in dem ich lebe, vorzugsweise unter einem kleinen Olivenbaum, sitzt auf einem Gymnastikmatte.
E 'sollten sicherstellen, dass einmal begann, ist niemand zu unterbrechen oder zu stören, da scombinerebbe unserer Geisteshaltung.
Praxis der natürlichen Temperatur der Umgebung ist, dh ohne Heizung oder Klimaanlage. Und "guten Gebrauch von Weihrauch oder Parfüm, die Sie lieben, weil die Düfte direkt auf das Gehirn und verändern den emotionalen Zustand (rinoencefalo) und hilft, Entspannung und mentale Distanz zu erreichen. Posture zu nehmen ist von größter Bedeutung nicht meditieren Liegen oder Stehen gerade sitzen, vorzugsweise im Schneidersitz, die Lotus ist oder anderweitig mit den Beinen halb gekreuzten, bekannt als die Hälfte lotus (abgesehen von der Osho Dynamische Meditation , die anstelle üben eine körperliche Bewegung, durch den Einfluss Sufis).
Fundamental ist die Erhaltung colonnna wieder vollständig aufrecht und liegend, möglicherweise poggiandola eine vertikale Träger (Wand, Baum, Stuhl). Der Grund liegt in der Tatsache, dass während der Meditation muss freien Fluss der Energie in 72 000 Kanäle des Körpers, die mit dem Nervensystem bestimmt werden kann.
Last, die Arme sind nach vorne zeigen, müssen die Bizeps angesprochen werden Vorwärts und dies wird durch Drehen der Hände nach oben erhalten wird, dh in Richtung der Handfläche. Diese Position ist die einzige, die 7000 Jahre die Veden empfehlen, dass Sie während der Rezitation Gebete und meditieren. Der Grund dafür ist, dass die Brust zu mehr Offenheit und fördern damit ihre Verlängerung neigt.
Lassen Sie mich erklären, was ich tue, wenn man bedenkt, dass meine Praxis nicht MT allein zu erfüllen, sondern ist eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Techniken, mit die Jahre habe ich abgeschnitten und angepasst, um meinen Körper und Geist.
übernahm die Position, dass ich dir gesagt habe, fange ich an, langsamer und mit größerer Tiefe atmen, Anwendung des Grundsatzes der Kanalisierung Prana, beginnend in durch das linke Nasenloch atmen und Wechselfeld auf diese Weise, bis es beim Ausatmen mit der Wurzel rechten endet, mit Daumen und Zeigefinger beider Hände abwechseln, um die Nasenlöcher zu schließen. Typischerweise mit einer Formel von 3.12.06 bis 4.16.08 zu erreichen, was bedeutet, dass Atmung bedeutet, in Luft für 3 Sekunden starten, halten Sie wieder mit der Membran auch abbbassato und Bauch für 12 Sekunden und inspiro für 6 Sekunden entspannt.
Inzwischen ist diese Modus der Atmung fördert das Phänomen der geistigen Leere, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Gedanken beginnen zu verdünnen ein wenig, und wie es und setzt vertieft mit alternativen Atmung Pranayama, der Geist wird mehr und mehr von seinen Gedanken entleert.
Über 10 Minuten dieser Atmung, stoppen Sie und Sie beginnen, frei zu atmen durch Spülen der Fluss der Gedanken frei, aber weiter entfernt, als bloße Beobachter eines Films auf dem Bildschirm.
Nach weiteren Minuten damit verbracht zu werden Zeugen unserer Gedanken geschrieben und Emotionen, wir sind bereit zu beginnen, mit dem Mantra, das Wort, das verwendet werden, um die Schwingung des Geistes in einer symmetrischen und ordentlich fahren wird mitschwingen. Nach einer Weile, füllt das Mantra bis die Ziele und löst seine normale Zustände des Bewusstseins und enthüllt eine transzendente Selbst, nämlich dass transzendiert Materie, den Körper, die Gedanken und letztlich unsere eigene Ego.
Phänomene treten in diesem Zustand Details, wie die Wahrnehmung von Geruch, die spontane Anzeige mentale Objekte (Bilder und kleine Filme in Zeitlupe), kombiniert Wahrnehmung von Farben und Düften. Dies geschieht, weil unser Gehirn baut seine eigenen spontanen Aktivität zu erzeugen, nicht mehr für die Umwelt verbunden ist, sind die Nervenzellen, die ihre eigenen Aktivitäten zu halten, selbst in Abwesenheit eines kritischen Geistes, eine Richtung der Gedanken und Gefühle.
In Dieser Zustand, der von einigen Minuten bis zu mehreren Stunden bei Patienten geschult das Gehirn in einen besonderen Zustand der Aktivität ähnlich Wachheit, sondern auch, dass der tiefere Zustände der Entspannung und Forschung jetzt getan dauern kann gut den Ärzten bekannt und Forscher. Es ist ein Zustand des Bewusstseins von großer körperlicher und geistiger Erholung, die eine bedeutende Entgiftung des gesamten Körpers ermöglicht und Schlaf ersetzen.
Generell Meditation ein Training, im Laufe der Zeit erworben wird, sondern oft Leute sagen Eingabe plötzlich, in der ein Wimpernschlag in der Zustand, den ich beschrieben habe, und dies hängt von den individuellen Merkmalen und anderen Faktoren, die nicht bekannt sind. Im Allgemeinen, Freunde und Freunde, die zu mir kommen, ziehe ich es vor der Meditation sprechen, wie ein Staat durch die richtige Motivation und eine angemessene Ausbildung nach einer Reihe von Vorwissen, was es ist und was es produziert erreicht werden, immer mit dem Hintergedanken . versuche nur zu verstehen, was es für jeden von uns ist
Meditation arbeitet an einem Quanten-Ebene, in dem Sinne, dass es ein Zustand der Aktivität des Nervensystems, die entweder folgt oder nicht, es gibt keinen Mittelweg: Sie stellen eine Ausbildung und Lernen der Praxis, im Gegensatz zu Hypnose und Selbsthypnose, ist Meditation nicht auf verschiedenen Ebenen der Tiefe entsprechen und somit der Qualität. Nein, sagt das Prinzip des Alles oder Nichts.
Persönlich bin ich interessiert in Hypnose und Selbsthypnose vor etwa 30 Jahren wurde, erlebte ich eine echte Ausbildung zum Selbst-Hypnose lernen, und stellt fest, dass die Methode der Induktion und die Tiefe trance, waren sie immer tiefer, wie ich sie zu praktizieren fortgesetzt. Aber wenn ich auf Dynamische Meditation eingeführt werden begann, war ich völlig hin und weg: Ich erkannte, dass es kein Training, und das hat mich sehr schwer. Ich habe versucht und riprovavo conseguivo aber keine Änderung des Zustandes des Bewusstseins. Eines Tages kam der Lehrer rief mich beiseite und sagte mir einfach "Give up", loslassen, ergeben Meditation, nichts zu tun, lassen Sie den Geist float, wo es will, nicht behindern nichts, nur immer bewusst zu sein der Gegenwart von Moment und weiterhin Ihre Position oder Asana zu halten, früher oder später, wird die Veranstaltung auf eigene passieren, wenn man es am wenigsten erwarten.
Die Tages geschah es, ich habe nicht vergessen, schien ich anfangen zu schweben, sah ich der Boden unter mir und dem Himmel über mir, als ob sie praktisch auf den Kopf gab, ich erinnere mich, dass ich eine Art von erhabener Terror fühlte, und dann merkte ich, warum.
, unser Gehirn nicht tolerieren seinen Verstand, das ist das Element, das entsteht Bewusstsein, es praktisch wird aufgehoben, ist dies, was Meditation, buchstäblich wirft den Geist, das Ego, in einer Ecke, und das bedeutet, dass das Gehirn nicht in einem mehr geistige Aktivität, mit denen zu identifizieren, führen. In der Meditation gibt es keine Träume, kein Schlaf, gibt es keine Aktivität des Denkens wie wir sie kennen in der Regel, sondern entstehen Gefühle, Wahrnehmungen, emotionale Zustände, die zusammen eine andere Dimension des Bewusstseins, wo Ego Ersetzen einer transzendenten Selbst (das geht über die reine körperliche und des Geistes selbst).
Um zu verstehen, wie viele Jahre es war ein Durcheinander von guten Praktiken Osho, können Sie dieses Video sehen, und ich warne Sie Freunde, die in der Welt von diesem Zeug absolut vulgarisiert und die Gemeinschaft der Praxis der Meditation Osho ist es eine riesige Menge.
Ich behaupte, dass Maharishi und seine neue Begleiterin Dr. Chopra das Zentrum einer regelrechten Industrie, unter anderem ist die TM ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen in den USA, aber nicht in Europa, und dass die Artikel auf ihrer Methoden waren der Schwerpunkt in 1991 einer großen Kontroverse mit dem renommierten medizinischen Fachzeitschrift JAMA, die mit Vernunft behauptet, dass die beiden nicht unabhängig waren Personen, die mit den Praktiken und Marken in Frage beteiligt, muss ich auch darauf hinweisen, dass Meditation über die Wiederholungen von Wörtern oder Klängen basiert ist einer der die ältesten Praktiken der Welt und in ganz Indien. Letztlich wird die TM als eine Neuauflage der westlichen Welt eines alten indischen Praxis und darüber hinaus gesetzt. Daher ist bei der TM bedeuten, eine Praxis, die zurück geht auf die Verwendung eines Mantras, aber nicht allein und Sie können sehen, was ich persönlich tun Kürze. Hinzufügen, dass eine Branche auf kulturelle Praktiken und traditionelle ist für mich das Zeichen von etwas, das nicht funktioniert, wie es sollte zu erstellen. (. Maharishi in seinem Quartier 80 kg Gold und Unsummen von Geld, sehen Sie)
Das MT hat einige Vorteile im Vergleich zu anderen Techniken, aber es gibt zwei Aspekte, die es charakterisieren:
es ist eine rein geistige Technik, die nicht benötigt keine Religion,
basiert auf einem sehr einfachen Prinzip, auf die Wiederholung eines Wortes zentriert, dass Sie entweder verbal oder nur intern, basierend
ist die einzige Form der Meditation, die eine Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Studien hat auf seiner Auswirkungen im mittel-und langfristig auf das Individuum.
's sagen, wie Sie die Praxis MT, von denen ich ein guter Arzt zu beginnen. In der Zwischenzeit müssen wir uns in einem mentalen Zustand der Ruhe und Beschaulichkeit haben, in einem Raum oder im Freien, nicht ändert und nicht ändern, wenn die theoretisch in der Mitte einer Straße voller Verkehr und Chaos führen. Auf jeden Fall, ich laufe zweimal am Tag, das erste zu Hause, das zweite in dem kleinen Garten rund um das Haus, in dem ich lebe, vorzugsweise unter einem kleinen Olivenbaum, sitzt auf einem Gymnastikmatte.
E 'sollten sicherstellen, dass einmal begann, ist niemand zu unterbrechen oder zu stören, da scombinerebbe unserer Geisteshaltung.
Praxis der natürlichen Temperatur der Umgebung ist, dh ohne Heizung oder Klimaanlage. Und "guten Gebrauch von Weihrauch oder Parfüm, die Sie lieben, weil die Düfte direkt auf das Gehirn und verändern den emotionalen Zustand (rinoencefalo) und hilft, Entspannung und mentale Distanz zu erreichen. Posture zu nehmen ist von größter Bedeutung nicht meditieren Liegen oder Stehen gerade sitzen, vorzugsweise im Schneidersitz, die Lotus ist oder anderweitig mit den Beinen halb gekreuzten, bekannt als die Hälfte lotus (abgesehen von der Osho Dynamische Meditation , die anstelle üben eine körperliche Bewegung, durch den Einfluss Sufis).
Fundamental ist die Erhaltung colonnna wieder vollständig aufrecht und liegend, möglicherweise poggiandola eine vertikale Träger (Wand, Baum, Stuhl). Der Grund liegt in der Tatsache, dass während der Meditation muss freien Fluss der Energie in 72 000 Kanäle des Körpers, die mit dem Nervensystem bestimmt werden kann.
Last, die Arme sind nach vorne zeigen, müssen die Bizeps angesprochen werden Vorwärts und dies wird durch Drehen der Hände nach oben erhalten wird, dh in Richtung der Handfläche. Diese Position ist die einzige, die 7000 Jahre die Veden empfehlen, dass Sie während der Rezitation Gebete und meditieren. Der Grund dafür ist, dass die Brust zu mehr Offenheit und fördern damit ihre Verlängerung neigt.
Lassen Sie mich erklären, was ich tue, wenn man bedenkt, dass meine Praxis nicht MT allein zu erfüllen, sondern ist eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Techniken, mit die Jahre habe ich abgeschnitten und angepasst, um meinen Körper und Geist.
übernahm die Position, dass ich dir gesagt habe, fange ich an, langsamer und mit größerer Tiefe atmen, Anwendung des Grundsatzes der Kanalisierung Prana, beginnend in durch das linke Nasenloch atmen und Wechselfeld auf diese Weise, bis es beim Ausatmen mit der Wurzel rechten endet, mit Daumen und Zeigefinger beider Hände abwechseln, um die Nasenlöcher zu schließen. Typischerweise mit einer Formel von 3.12.06 bis 4.16.08 zu erreichen, was bedeutet, dass Atmung bedeutet, in Luft für 3 Sekunden starten, halten Sie wieder mit der Membran auch abbbassato und Bauch für 12 Sekunden und inspiro für 6 Sekunden entspannt.
Inzwischen ist diese Modus der Atmung fördert das Phänomen der geistigen Leere, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Gedanken beginnen zu verdünnen ein wenig, und wie es und setzt vertieft mit alternativen Atmung Pranayama, der Geist wird mehr und mehr von seinen Gedanken entleert.
Über 10 Minuten dieser Atmung, stoppen Sie und Sie beginnen, frei zu atmen durch Spülen der Fluss der Gedanken frei, aber weiter entfernt, als bloße Beobachter eines Films auf dem Bildschirm.
Nach weiteren Minuten damit verbracht zu werden Zeugen unserer Gedanken geschrieben und Emotionen, wir sind bereit zu beginnen, mit dem Mantra, das Wort, das verwendet werden, um die Schwingung des Geistes in einer symmetrischen und ordentlich fahren wird mitschwingen. Nach einer Weile, füllt das Mantra bis die Ziele und löst seine normale Zustände des Bewusstseins und enthüllt eine transzendente Selbst, nämlich dass transzendiert Materie, den Körper, die Gedanken und letztlich unsere eigene Ego.
Phänomene treten in diesem Zustand Details, wie die Wahrnehmung von Geruch, die spontane Anzeige mentale Objekte (Bilder und kleine Filme in Zeitlupe), kombiniert Wahrnehmung von Farben und Düften. Dies geschieht, weil unser Gehirn baut seine eigenen spontanen Aktivität zu erzeugen, nicht mehr für die Umwelt verbunden ist, sind die Nervenzellen, die ihre eigenen Aktivitäten zu halten, selbst in Abwesenheit eines kritischen Geistes, eine Richtung der Gedanken und Gefühle.
In Dieser Zustand, der von einigen Minuten bis zu mehreren Stunden bei Patienten geschult das Gehirn in einen besonderen Zustand der Aktivität ähnlich Wachheit, sondern auch, dass der tiefere Zustände der Entspannung und Forschung jetzt getan dauern kann gut den Ärzten bekannt und Forscher. Es ist ein Zustand des Bewusstseins von großer körperlicher und geistiger Erholung, die eine bedeutende Entgiftung des gesamten Körpers ermöglicht und Schlaf ersetzen.
Generell Meditation ein Training, im Laufe der Zeit erworben wird, sondern oft Leute sagen Eingabe plötzlich, in der ein Wimpernschlag in der Zustand, den ich beschrieben habe, und dies hängt von den individuellen Merkmalen und anderen Faktoren, die nicht bekannt sind. Im Allgemeinen, Freunde und Freunde, die zu mir kommen, ziehe ich es vor der Meditation sprechen, wie ein Staat durch die richtige Motivation und eine angemessene Ausbildung nach einer Reihe von Vorwissen, was es ist und was es produziert erreicht werden, immer mit dem Hintergedanken . versuche nur zu verstehen, was es für jeden von uns ist
Meditation arbeitet an einem Quanten-Ebene, in dem Sinne, dass es ein Zustand der Aktivität des Nervensystems, die entweder folgt oder nicht, es gibt keinen Mittelweg: Sie stellen eine Ausbildung und Lernen der Praxis, im Gegensatz zu Hypnose und Selbsthypnose, ist Meditation nicht auf verschiedenen Ebenen der Tiefe entsprechen und somit der Qualität. Nein, sagt das Prinzip des Alles oder Nichts.
Persönlich bin ich interessiert in Hypnose und Selbsthypnose vor etwa 30 Jahren wurde, erlebte ich eine echte Ausbildung zum Selbst-Hypnose lernen, und stellt fest, dass die Methode der Induktion und die Tiefe trance, waren sie immer tiefer, wie ich sie zu praktizieren fortgesetzt. Aber wenn ich auf Dynamische Meditation eingeführt werden begann, war ich völlig hin und weg: Ich erkannte, dass es kein Training, und das hat mich sehr schwer. Ich habe versucht und riprovavo conseguivo aber keine Änderung des Zustandes des Bewusstseins. Eines Tages kam der Lehrer rief mich beiseite und sagte mir einfach "Give up", loslassen, ergeben Meditation, nichts zu tun, lassen Sie den Geist float, wo es will, nicht behindern nichts, nur immer bewusst zu sein der Gegenwart von Moment und weiterhin Ihre Position oder Asana zu halten, früher oder später, wird die Veranstaltung auf eigene passieren, wenn man es am wenigsten erwarten.
Die Tages geschah es, ich habe nicht vergessen, schien ich anfangen zu schweben, sah ich der Boden unter mir und dem Himmel über mir, als ob sie praktisch auf den Kopf gab, ich erinnere mich, dass ich eine Art von erhabener Terror fühlte, und dann merkte ich, warum.
, unser Gehirn nicht tolerieren seinen Verstand, das ist das Element, das entsteht Bewusstsein, es praktisch wird aufgehoben, ist dies, was Meditation, buchstäblich wirft den Geist, das Ego, in einer Ecke, und das bedeutet, dass das Gehirn nicht in einem mehr geistige Aktivität, mit denen zu identifizieren, führen. In der Meditation gibt es keine Träume, kein Schlaf, gibt es keine Aktivität des Denkens wie wir sie kennen in der Regel, sondern entstehen Gefühle, Wahrnehmungen, emotionale Zustände, die zusammen eine andere Dimension des Bewusstseins, wo Ego Ersetzen einer transzendenten Selbst (das geht über die reine körperliche und des Geistes selbst).
Um zu verstehen, wie viele Jahre es war ein Durcheinander von guten Praktiken Osho, können Sie dieses Video sehen, und ich warne Sie Freunde, die in der Welt von diesem Zeug absolut vulgarisiert und die Gemeinschaft der Praxis der Meditation Osho ist es eine riesige Menge.
Es ist wahr, dass diese Menschen in der Regel nicht um marciarci versuchen auf, Geld zu verdienen, im Gegensatz zu den MT Maharishi, aber denken Sie daran Freunden: Meditation erfordert Übung zumindest anfangs und für viele Monate, völlig individuellen und gemeinschaftlichen und Masse.
Doing Form von feinen Unternehmen, die den alleinigen Zweck des Seins in der Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden, tun ein bisschen von Körper Ausdruck, das ist immer gut konnte, aber nicht um das Zauberwort: Meditation, die wie ich in einem früheren Artikel beschrieben, interpretiert werden müssen als eine bewusste Aktivität Deprogrammierung MENTAL gegen Brain Washing täglich. Darüber hinaus tritt der Meditierende eine Resonanz des Denkens und Emotionen, die nicht sein kann inkonsistent.
Eine Grundschullehrerin nach den ersten drei Monaten der Meditation, die meinen Rat zurückgegriffen hatte zu starten und auf dem Weg weiter, eines Tages werde ich genannt, und festem Ton und feste erzählte mir, dass das Ende des Monats wäre es nicht mehr der Lehrer. Ich schaute ihr in die Augen und sagte nichts, aber wir beide hatten die Reflexion der Augen voneinander. Gefangen
Meditation bedeutet immer aufmerksamer mit dem geistigen Auge, Beobachter bewusst sind, impliziert das Bewusstsein eine Erweiterung des Selbst auf Kosten des Ichs, und dies impliziert die weitere Expansion des Bewusstseins.
Als Ergebnis haben wir nicht mehr die gleiche wie zuvor, jetzt unseren Geist, unsere Gedanken folgen unsere Emotionen eine Schwingung der extreme Konsistenz und wenn etwas nicht stimmt mit uns, werden wir sofort bewusst und wir ergreifen können, die Schritte, die wir glauben können größere interne Konsistenz addattarci.Innenwelt und die Außenwelt nähern, die sehr groß wird gleich der sehr klein ist, die Details. Verschwinden
Wenn Sie zu meditieren beginnen, wirst du in diese Schwingung der Konsistenz zu bekommen, und dann können Sie nicht weiter arbeiten die jetzt erhalten alle Widersprüche, entweder der Lehrer oder die Bank oder die Post Boten. Von diesem Moment an haben Sie auf einer Straße ohne Wiederkehr eingeschifft, und sind mit einem stärkeren Austausch von universellen Intelligenz verbunden, weshalb es wird gesagt, dass die innere Welt und die äußere Welt praktisch zusammenfallen.
Aufbruch zum Ballett zusammen machen, ist es eine gute Praxis zu knüpfen und der ataraxia Kollektiv, orgiastischen oder nicht, aber es hat sicherlich nichts mit dem ein Prozess der inneren Suche, die Verwendung einer Technik-und Meditationspraxis ist zu tun, sowohl die MD von Osho, dass TM Maharishi, die in der Regel empfehlen es als Technik der Wahl für seine einfache Ansatz.
Natürlich beinhaltet Meditation Anpassung unserer Mind-Body (Bewusstsein) die Technik, sondern auch an die Technik an unsere MB, wie in der praktischen Ausbildung mit dem MT, in der geänderten Fassung mit Pranayama und andere Atmen, auch kombiniert werden können, wenn bereits zuversichtlich, MT, Körper Bewegung, wie der Sufi-Tradition, zu modifizieren und anzupassen frei sein eigenes Wesen. Bewegen sich in einem Kreis wie der Pfau, während Echos geistig das Mantra zu unglaublichen Höhen führen können, in der Nähe der Erfahrung Samadi oder Nirvana, wenn Sie es vorziehen (unsere alte Idee von Ecstasy).
Hallo und die nächste.
Doing Form von feinen Unternehmen, die den alleinigen Zweck des Seins in der Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden, tun ein bisschen von Körper Ausdruck, das ist immer gut konnte, aber nicht um das Zauberwort: Meditation, die wie ich in einem früheren Artikel beschrieben, interpretiert werden müssen als eine bewusste Aktivität Deprogrammierung MENTAL gegen Brain Washing täglich. Darüber hinaus tritt der Meditierende eine Resonanz des Denkens und Emotionen, die nicht sein kann inkonsistent.
Eine Grundschullehrerin nach den ersten drei Monaten der Meditation, die meinen Rat zurückgegriffen hatte zu starten und auf dem Weg weiter, eines Tages werde ich genannt, und festem Ton und feste erzählte mir, dass das Ende des Monats wäre es nicht mehr der Lehrer. Ich schaute ihr in die Augen und sagte nichts, aber wir beide hatten die Reflexion der Augen voneinander. Gefangen
Meditation bedeutet immer aufmerksamer mit dem geistigen Auge, Beobachter bewusst sind, impliziert das Bewusstsein eine Erweiterung des Selbst auf Kosten des Ichs, und dies impliziert die weitere Expansion des Bewusstseins.
Als Ergebnis haben wir nicht mehr die gleiche wie zuvor, jetzt unseren Geist, unsere Gedanken folgen unsere Emotionen eine Schwingung der extreme Konsistenz und wenn etwas nicht stimmt mit uns, werden wir sofort bewusst und wir ergreifen können, die Schritte, die wir glauben können größere interne Konsistenz addattarci.Innenwelt und die Außenwelt nähern, die sehr groß wird gleich der sehr klein ist, die Details. Verschwinden
Wenn Sie zu meditieren beginnen, wirst du in diese Schwingung der Konsistenz zu bekommen, und dann können Sie nicht weiter arbeiten die jetzt erhalten alle Widersprüche, entweder der Lehrer oder die Bank oder die Post Boten. Von diesem Moment an haben Sie auf einer Straße ohne Wiederkehr eingeschifft, und sind mit einem stärkeren Austausch von universellen Intelligenz verbunden, weshalb es wird gesagt, dass die innere Welt und die äußere Welt praktisch zusammenfallen.
Aufbruch zum Ballett zusammen machen, ist es eine gute Praxis zu knüpfen und der ataraxia Kollektiv, orgiastischen oder nicht, aber es hat sicherlich nichts mit dem ein Prozess der inneren Suche, die Verwendung einer Technik-und Meditationspraxis ist zu tun, sowohl die MD von Osho, dass TM Maharishi, die in der Regel empfehlen es als Technik der Wahl für seine einfache Ansatz.
Natürlich beinhaltet Meditation Anpassung unserer Mind-Body (Bewusstsein) die Technik, sondern auch an die Technik an unsere MB, wie in der praktischen Ausbildung mit dem MT, in der geänderten Fassung mit Pranayama und andere Atmen, auch kombiniert werden können, wenn bereits zuversichtlich, MT, Körper Bewegung, wie der Sufi-Tradition, zu modifizieren und anzupassen frei sein eigenes Wesen. Bewegen sich in einem Kreis wie der Pfau, während Echos geistig das Mantra zu unglaublichen Höhen führen können, in der Nähe der Erfahrung Samadi oder Nirvana, wenn Sie es vorziehen (unsere alte Idee von Ecstasy).
Hallo und die nächste.
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